NOTE: There are 9 Questions in
· Question 1 is
compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q.1 must be written in the space
provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.
· Out of the remaining
EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.
· Any required data not
explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.
Q.1 Choose the correct or the best alternative
in the following: (2x10)
X is the true value of a quantity and is its approximate value, then the absolute error and relative
errors are defined by
(C) (D)
The root of the equation by bisection method
after 2 iteration is
(A) 2.75 (B) 2.5
(C) 2.625 (D) 2.16
matrix is said to be orthogonal if, (where stands for transpose
of A).
(C) (D)
If is the averaging or
mean operator and
is the central
difference operator, then which is correct
(C) (D)
e. The error in trapezoidal rule for finding numerical integration is of the order (where h is the interval width)
(A) h (B) h2
(C) h3 (D) h4
f. In Gauss-Jordan Elimination Method
(A) coefficient matrix is reduced to a diagonal matrix.
(B) coefficient matrix is reduced to a triangular matrix.
(C) coefficient matrix is reduced to a unit matrix.
(D) coefficient matrix is reduced to a null
g. Which interpolation method is used to find a tabulated value near the beginning of the table?
(A) Stirling’s formulae. (B) Langrage’s interpolation formulae.
(C) Newton’s forward formulae. (D) Newton’s
backward formulae.
h. The rate of convergence of Newton Raphson method is
cubic (B) quadratic
(C) linear (D) none of the above
i. The
value of , correct to three decimal places by Simpson’s
rd rule with h=0.5 is
(A) 0.7084 (B) 0.6945
(C) 0.3246 (D) 0.8956
j. Which of the method(s) is / are used for finding solutions of differential equations
(A) Euler method (B) Mid-point method
(C) Taylor’s series method (D) All
of the above
Answer any FIVE
Questions out of EIGHT Questions.
question carries 16 marks.
Q.2 a. If a number 37.46235 is rounded off to four significant
figures, then compute truncation error and percentage error. (3)
b. Find
a root of the equation by using Regula-Falsi
method for four iterations. (7)
c. Prove
that the rate of convergence of Secant method is . (6)
Q.3 a. Solve the equations by using Gauss
elimination method.
b. Solve the following equations by Jacobi’s iteration method
Q.4 a. Find all the eigen values and eigen vectors
of the matrix
b. Write any four important properties of eigen
values of a matrix. (4)
Q.5 a. From
the following table, estimate f(9), using Langrage’s interpolation formulae. (7)
x |
5 |
7 |
11 |
13 |
17 |
f(x) |
150 |
392 |
1452 |
2366 |
5202 |
b. Find the polynomial of degree 2 such that f(0)
= 1, f(1) = 3, f(3) = 55, using Newton divided difference interpolation. (9)
Q.6 a. Obtain
the least square polynomial approximation of degree two for . (12)
b. Prove that (where
is forward difference
operator and interval of difference is 1). (4)
Q.7 a. Find from the following
data (where
) (10)
x |
3 |
5 |
11 |
27 |
34 |
f(n) |
-13 |
23 |
899 |
17315 |
35606 |
b. Prove
that, (where
= forward difference operator & h = interval width) (6)
a. From the following table, find out the area bounded by the curve
and the x-axis from x = 7.47 to x = 7.52 (6)
x |
7.47 |
7.48 |
7.49 |
7.50 |
7.51 |
7.52 |
f(x) |
1.93 |
1.95 |
1.98 |
2.01 |
2.03 |
2.06 |
b. Evaluate
the integral using Gauss-Legendre
three point formulae. (10)
Q.9 a. Solve the initial value problem with h=0.2 on the
interval [0, 0.4], by using fourth
order Runge Kutta Method (10)
b. Find by Taylor’s series method the values of Y
at x = 0.1 and x = 0.2 from . (6)