Facilities Provided
  • Course Content
    Content for the subjects is under development by IETE experts and is expected to be completed soon.

  • Reference Links to other websites
    Student can directly go to the reference content (already available on the Internet) by clicking on each topic in the syllabus. It has been searched topic wise, so as to save student's time. The reference links for the subjects in Section-A & Section-B of AMIETE and DIPIETE are being completed progressively.

  • Recorded Lectures
    Recorded Lectures are being uploaded progressively.

  • Chat
    With Chat facility, students will be able to conduct real-time conversations via text among themselves. There will also be the chat sessions moderated by designated faculties on scheduled date & time.

  • SMS
    Students can send their queries by SMS using Mobile Phone to ELAN Project. Mass mailing to students will be done through SMS.

  • Discussion Forum / Bulletin Board
    Threaded Discussions with multiple discussion areas. If someone posts a question, other interested people can post replies to the question. The reply appears directly beneath the original question.

  • White Board
    whiteboard is a simple drawing utility to allow distributed users to share a common drawing space. Faculty taking the lecture as also the student can collaborate in real time via graphic information. Faculty can draw graphics to demonstrate by clicking, dragging, and dropping information (GRAPHICS & TEXT) on the whiteboard with the mouse. It can be saved & sent via e-mail.

  • Web Conferencing
    Audio & Video conferencing between IETE Centres. To prove the same, trials have been conducted between Elan Noida and IETE Ahemdabad & Mysore Centres using web camera over the internet.

  • Latest News about e-Learning Events
    The latest news about the events, activities of e-Learning will be displayed time to time.