Code: T-16                                                                                              Subject: E-COMMERCE

Time: 3 Hours                                                          June 2006                                           Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks. Questions in ITALICS are choice questions.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or best alternative in the following:                                         (2x10)


a.       How many OSI layers are covered in the X.25 standard 


                   (A)  two                                              (B)   three

(C)    six                                               (D)   seven


b.      A device that can convert digital signal to analog signal is


(A)    Modem                                        (B)  Packet

(C)  a block                                         (D) a switch


             c.   A server, which holds e-mail, which can be retrieved later by application run by the user


(A) SMTP                                           (B)  UUCP

(C)  POP                                            (D) MUA


             d.   Bulletin Board system


(A) is a public access message system.

(B)  is a modem capable of accessing commands.

(C) converts digital signal to analog signal. 

(D)  converts analog signal to digital signal.


             e.   The basic application of HTML is in


(A)     word processing.                          (B)  database handling.

(C)  web page designing.                     (D)  animation.


 f.   HTTP ensures


       (A)  the transfer of e-mails.                  

       (B)  the transfer of files.

(C) the transmission of HTML documents.                               

(D)  all of the above.




 g.   ‘Ping’ is used to


                   (A)  connect multiple computers

(B)    test whether the specific computer can be reached

(C)    to transfer files between computers

(D)    access a mailbox and download e-mail


  h.  Copying a file from another computer to your personal computer is called


      (A) uploading                                       (B) downloading

(C)    logging on                                      (D)  hang on                      


  i.  The most reliable and secure method of data security


      (A) Password Scheme                          (B) Biometric Systems

                  (C) Firewalls                                         (D) Digital signatures


 j.   A ‘Shopping Cart’ is a


(A) mechanism to select multiple items from online catalogue before  


(B) Credit Card

(C) Debit Card                                   

(D) Smart Card



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.


  Q.2     a.   Define the term e-commerce?  What are the significant issues in implementing electronic commerce in an organisation?                                       (8)


             b.   What are the benefits of e-commerce to consumers?                                           (8)


  Q.3           Explain briefly the following terms:

(i)                  e-supply                                                                              

(ii)                e-marketing

(iii)               e-banking                                                                (5+5+6)


Q.4            Differentiate between:

(i)                  Intranet & Extranet

(ii)                Authentication & Non-repudiation

(iii)               Digital Signatures & Digital Certificates                             (5+5+6)


Q.5      a.    What do you understand by internal firewalls in an organisation’s network? 

       Why are internal firewalls used?                                                                       (6)


            b.   Describe the following functions of firewalls

(i)                  Packet filtering

(ii)                Virtual Private Networks (VPN)                                      (5+5)



Q.6      a.   Discuss briefly the entities which may participate in a B2B e-commerce

transaction.                                                                                                       (8)


            b.  What is Virtual Corporation?  What are mutual benefits that may drive business to enter into virtual corporation alliances with each other?                     (8)


Q.7      a.   How are electronic cheques different from paper based cheques?  What are

      the advantages of electronic cheques over paper based cheques?                   (8)


             b.  What are relationship based or intelligent smart cards?  What options do they offer to their users?                                                               (8)


Q.8       a.  What are the functions involved in an e-procurement chain?                                  (8)


             b.  Discuss some of the financial EDI based system used for the transfer of

                 funds between businesses.                                                                                    (8)


Q.9      a.   Define Supply Chain Management?  What are the components of Supply

      Chain Management?                                                                                          (8)


            b.   Just-in-time (JIT) is an integrated management system in manufacturing and retailing which focuses in the elimination of wastes in the production cycle.  How has e-commerce impacted JIT to meet its goals more effectively and efficiently?                                                                                  (8)