Code: DC-03                                                              Subject: COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS

Time: 3 Hours                                                           June 2006                                           Max. Marks: 100



NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.


Q.1       Choose the correct or best alternative in the following:                                         (2x10)


a.       Which of the following is not a programming language?


                   (A)  UNIX                                          (B)  LISP

(C)   BASIC                                         (D)  ADA


b.      The process of retaining data for future use is called


(A)    Reading                                        (B)  Writing

(C) Storing                                          (D)  Coding


             c.   The process of manipulating the data to achieve some meaningful results is called


(A)     Information handling.                   (B)  Data sharing.

(C)   Data distribution.                         (D)  Data processing.


             d.   The reading device, which makes use of photo sensors and laser technologies to interpret printed, typed or even hand-written data directly from the source documents.


(A)   MICR                                          (B) OCR  

(C) Mark sensitive device                   (D) ATM  


             e.   Windows is a(n)


(A)     Operating system.                        (B)  User interface

(C)  Operating environment.                 (D)  Programming platform.


             f.    The register that keeps track of the program during execution


(A)     Address register                           (B)  Program counter.

(C)  Data register                                 (D)  Accumulator



             g.   Typical processing speed of Super Computer is of the order of


(A)     100 MIPS                                   (B)  200 MIPS

(C)  300 MIPS                                    (D)  400 MIPS and above


             h.   While using DIR command,_______switch can not be used with it


(A)    /P.                                                (B) /W.

(C)  /S.                                                (D) /T.


             i.    ________is not a utility program


(A)   Debugger                                     (B) Editor

(C) Spooler                                         (D) Defragmenter


             j.    The access method used for magnetic tape is


(A)  Direct                                           (B)  Random

(C)  Sequential                                    (D)  Indexed



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.


  Q.2     a.   Give the full form of


i)                    MSI

ii)                   EDSAC

iii)                 RAID                                                                                                   (3)


             b.   Write a short note on super computers and their applications.                              (5)          


             c.   Describe the basic functions performed by a computer system, with the help of a suitable diagram.                                                             (8)


  Q.3     a.   Find the data transfer rate (in bytes/sec) for a disk pack, with a disk pack capacity of 20 Mbytes, 19 storage surfaces and 700 tracks/surface.          (4)                                                             


            b.   Give the limitations and uses of a magnetic disk.                                              (3+3)


            c.     Explain how information is recorded on a magnetic tape.                                     (6)


  Q.4     a.   Explain the working of an ink-jet printer. What are the two different types of ink-jet printers?                                                                     (4+2)


             b.   Explain the following terms with reference to a CRT monitor:                                  


(i)                  Screen size

(ii)                Resolution

(iii)               Refresh rate                                                                           (3x2)


            c.    Explain the function of light pen and joystick.                                                     (4)


  Q.5     a.   How does a bar code reader read the data?                                                       (4)


             b.   Explain how magnetic ink character reader is used in banks?                               (4)


             c. What is system software? Mention the most commonly used system software. Explain utility programs?                                                                    (2+2+4)                                                     


  Q.6     a.  Write the steps in the execution of an instruction by the CPU.                               (6)


 b.   Name the technique to reduce the speed mismatch between the slow I/O                       devices and the CPU. Explain how it is achieved?                                       (6)


 c.   Give the main features of Windows NT operating system.                    (4)


Q.7       a.   Explain the difference between volatile and non volatile memory. Give an  

                   example of each type of memory.                                                          (4)


             b.    How does the bus width affect the overall speed of the computer system?  

                    Name and explain the three types of I/O buses.                                       (2+1+3)


c.       Explain the terms data cache and instruction cache. Name and explain the          

      cache replacement policy.                                                                            (4+2)


 Q.8            Differentiate between:


(i)                  CPU bound jobs and I/O bound jobs.

(ii)                Tightly coupled and loosely coupled multiprocessing systems.

(iii)               Internal fragmentation and External fragmentation.

(iv)              Multiprocessing and Multiprogramming.                                      (4x4)


Q.9      a.    Explain how the following features are carried out in the word processing 


(i)                  Entering mathematical equations.

(ii)                Spell-checking.

(iii)               Printing a document.                                                                         (6)


             b.  What is a computer network? Differentiate between LAN and WAN.               (6)


             c.   Give the two ways of renaming a work sheet in Microsoft Excel.            (4)