Code: C-23                                    Subject: MICROPROCESSOR BASED SYSTEM DESIGN

Time: 3 Hours                                                             June 2006                                         Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks. Questions in ITALICS are choice questions.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or best alternative in the following:                                         (2x10)


a.       Default segment in case of instruction fetch of an 8086 microprocessor is


                   (A)  DS                                               (B)  SS

(C)    CS                                              (D)  ES


b.      The highest priority signal in an 8086 processor is 


(A)    NMI                                            (B)  INT3

(C) TRAP                                           (D)  RESET


             c.   When a co-processor is not found in the system the following exception or interrupt occurs in an 8086 system.


(A)    Type 4                                         (B) Type 5

(C)  Type 6                                         (D) Type 7


             d.   SD RAM refers to 


(A)    Synchronous DRAM                   (B) Static DRAM

(C)  Semi DRAM                               (D) Second DRAM


             e.   In case of DVD, the speed is referred in terms of n X (for example 32 X). Here, X refers to


(A)     150 KB/s                                     (B)  300 KB/s

(C)  1.38 MB/s                                   (D)  2.4 MB/s


             f.    The binary number 1101011 in the floating-point representation using 32-bit word length is represented by


(A)     011010110…..0     10000111     (B)  111010110….0      10000111

(C)  011010110…..0     10001111     (D)  111010110….0     10001111


             g.   Itanium processor of Intel is a


(A)     32 bit microprocessor.                 (B)  64 bit microprocessor.

(C)  128 bit microprocessor..               (D)  256 bit microprocessor.


             h.   LOCK prefix is used most often


(A)    during normal execution.               (B) during DMA accesses

                   (C)  during interrupt servicing.              (D) during memory accesses.


             i.    The Pentium microprocessor has______execution units.


(A)   1                                                  (B) 2

                   (C)  3                                                  (D) 4


             j.    EPROM is generally erased by using


(A) ultraviolet rays                               (B)  infrared rays

(C) 12 V electrical pulse                      (D) 24 V electrical pulse



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.


  Q.2     a.   What is (i) USB (ii) AGP (iii) XMS (iv) EMS (v) TSR (vi) EDO RAM               (6)


             b.   What are program invisible registers? Explain the purpose of the GDTR. If the microprocessor sends linear address 00200000H to the paging mechanism, which paging directory entry and which page table entry is accessed?                                                                                                          (3)


             c.   Write an assembly language program for an 8086 system that reads a key and displays it.               (3)


             d.   Discuss the salient features of a parallel programmable interface, 8255.               (4)


  Q.3     a.   Explain the following 8086 instructions by giving examples:

(i)                  SCASB

(ii)                SHR

(iii)               BOUND

(iv)              WAIT                                                                                       (8)


             b.   What do you understand by assembler directives? What do the following assembler directives do:


(i)                  ASSUME

(ii)                SEGMENT

(iii)               DB

(iv)              PUBLIC                                                                                                (8)


  Q.4     a.   Write an assembly program sequence for performing binary division on an n-word number by a one-word number.                                               (6)


             b.   Discuss the role of a bus arbiter in a multiprocessor configuration.                       (4)


             c.   Assume that a loosely coupled multiprocessor system consists of the following three modules:

                   Module A: An 8086 with a local memory.

                   Module B: Two 8089s with a local I/O bus.

                   Module C: An 8086 with an 8087 and an 8089.                                                    

                   Determine and discuss the major bus interface devices required for each module.                (6)


  Q.5     a.  Show how a typical DMA controller can be interfaced to an 8086 based maximum mode system.                                                               (8)


             b.   What is a co-processor? What is its use in a typical microprocessor based system. How does an 8086 cooperate and communicate with a coprocessor.                                                (8)          


  Q.6     a.   80286 when operated in the protected mode supports multi tasking. Explain this statement indicating how this is accomplished.                            (8)


             b.   What is segmentation? What are its advantages? How is segmentation implemented in a typical microprocessors.                                 (8)


  Q.7     a.   What is a PCI bus? Discuss its features and usage.                                             (6)   


             b.   How is EISA bus different from ISA bus?                                                          (4)


             c.   Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous types of serial communication.                       (6)


 Q.8      a.   Discuss the interrupt structure of 8086. Draw and explain the block diagram of programmable interrupt controller 8259.                                   (8)


             b.   Discuss the various types of memory devices that you are familiar with.               (8)


  Q.9     a.   Write explanatory notes on (ANY TWO)

(i)                  Network adapters and LAN

(ii)                DOS and BIOS calls.

(iii)               Microprocessor development system.

(iv)              MMX technology.                                                                               (16)