NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.
· Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.
· Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.
· Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.
Q.1 Choose the correct or best alternative in the following: (2x10)
a. _________is a bilevel image compression technique.
(A) MPEG-1 (B) MP3
b. Which of the following is false for MIDI?
(A) It is a digital interface.
(B) It enables computers to communicate with the musical devices.
(C) The MIDI devices interact through messages.
(D) The MIDI keyboard is used to produce sound.
c. The object based coding approach is used in
(A) MPEG-1 (B) MPEG-4
(C) MPEG-2 (D) JB1G
d. Which of the following is a non-temporal media?
(A) Graphics (B) Video
(C) Audio (D) Animation
e. Which of the following compression technique is more suitable to compress music audio signal?
f. The number of
bytes transmitted to transfer an image with resolution of 640 480 pixels and
pixel quantization of 8 bits/pixel is
(A) 2457600 (B) 307200
(C) 184900 (D) 396100
g. The parameters of quantization table in JPEG are considered in
(A) Horizontally linear sequence.
(B) Alternating sequence.
(C) Vertically linear sequence.
(D) Zigzag sequence.
h. MP3 files are
(A) compressed audio files.
(B) compressed text files.
(C) compressed video files.
(D) compressed animated files.
i. Which of the following is connectionless protocol at transport layer in TCP/IP?
(C) IP (D) none of the above
j. Which of the following is not a real time operating systems to support multimedia?
(A) ARTS (B) Split-level scheduling
Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.
Each question carries 16 marks.
Q.2 a. Briefly explain the components of speech recognition and understanding. (8)
b. How is audio coding done using LPC? (4)
c. Compare long time prediction and short time prediction methods of CELP coders. (4)
Q.3 a. Explain the three layers available in MPEG audio? Which layer corresponds to MP3? (8)
b. Differentiate between synchronous and isochronous transmission modes. (4)
c. What is RSVP? How is it better than RTP? (4)
Q.4 a. Explain the phases of resource reservation and management process for multimedia applications. (8)
b. What is ATM? How does it ensure high transmission rate of data than usual packet switching systems? (8)
Q.5 a. Briefly explain earliest deadline first and rate monotonic scheduling algorithms for real-time scheduling of multimedia processes. Test their advantages and disadvantages also. (10)
b. On what parameters does the Quality of Service for multimedia data transmission depends? Explain. (6)
Q.6 a. Describe the Group Sweeping Scheduling (GSS) strategy for disk scheduling. Given the disk access requests in one cycle with deadlines as: 3.4, 24; 3.3, 30; 20, 16; 3.3, 50; 2.2. 42; 1.2, 45; 1.4, 12; 2.4, 40; and 1.1, 22. Show the groups that will be formed using GSS. Assume the disk access request format as : deadline, block number. (8)
b. What is the role of DMIF interface in MPEG-4? (4)
c. Define content and spatial synchronization. (4)
Q.7 a. List four advantages of JPEG 2000 over JPEG. (6)
b. Briefly explain the two important format parameters for specification of audio. At what values of those parameters is telephone-quality speech and CD-quality audio generated? (6)
c. What is video on demand? What are the various broadcasting strategies available to support video on demand? (4)
Q.8 a. Briefly explain the various kinds of video frames supported in MPEG. (6)
b. What is content-based information retrieval? What are the problems in designing search engines that support content-based retrieval? (6)
c. Why are the traditional DBMSs not sufficieint to handle multimedia applications? (4)
Q.9 a. What is the essence of feature localization in image retrievel? What are the pros and cons of this approach as opposed to the traditional image segmentation method? (6)
b. How are face objects coded and animated in MPEG-4? (6)
c. Differentiate between composite and component coding of a video signal. (4)