NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.
· Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.
· Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.
· Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.
Q.1 Choose the correct or best alternative in the following: (2x10)
a. For a well understood data processing application it is best to use
(A) the waterfall model (B) prototyping model
(C) the evolutionary model (D) the spiral model
b. The estimated length of a program as given by Halstead is
(C) (D)
c. Coupling and cohesion can be represented using a
(A) cause-effect graph (B) dependence matrix
(C) structure chart (D) SRS
d. The symbol represents
(A) mandatory 1 cardinality (B) mandatory many cardinality
(C) optional 0 or 1 cardinality (D) optional zero-many cardinality
e. Each time a defect gets detected and fixed, the reliability of a software product
(A) increases. (B) decreases.
(C) remains constant. (D) cannot say anything.
f. Output comparators are used in
(A) static testing of single module
(B) dynamic testing of single module
(C) static testing of single and multiple module
(D) dynamic testing of single and multiple module
g. The feature of the object oriented paradigm which helps code reuse is
(A) object. (B) class.
(C) inheritance. (D) aggregation.
h. The level at which the software uses scarce resources is
(A) reliability (B) efficiency
(C) portability (D) all of the above
i. If every requirement can be checked by a cost-effective process, then the SRS is
(A) verifiable (B) traceable
(C) modifiable (D) complete
j. Modifying the software to match changes in the ever changing environment is called
(A) adaptive maintenance (B) corrective maintenance
(C) perfective maintenance (D) preventive maintenance
Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.
Each question carries 16 marks.
Q.2 a. Explain the waterfall model. Explain why it is more advantageous than adhoc methods. (8)
b. What are the objectives of software design? How do we transform an informal design to a detailed design? (8)
Q.3 a. Discuss the important issues that a SRS must address. (8)
b. Explain throw-away prototyping and evolutionary prototyping. Discuss the differences between the two. (8)
Q.4 a. What is risk? What are risk management activities? (4)
b. Explain the cost drivers and EAF of the intermediate COCOMO model. (8)
c. Assume that the size of an organic type of software product is estimated to be 32000 lines of code. Compute the effort and development time. (4)
Q.5 Compare the following
(i) Productivity and difficulty
(ii) Manpower and development time
(iii) Static single variable model and static multivariable model
(iv) Intermediate and Detailed COCOMO model (16)
Q.6 a. List the points of a simplified design process. (8)
b. Explain the following with the help of an example
(i) Common coupling
(ii) Communicational cohesion
(iii) Class diagram
(iv) Structure chart (8)
Q.7 a. Explain Equivalence Class Partitioning and Boundary value analysis. Compare the two. (8)
b. Consider a program which computes the square root of an input integer between 0 and 5000. Determine the equivalence class test cases. Determine the test cases using boundary value analysis also. (8)
Q.8 a. Explain the following terms with reference to software reliability models.
(i) Failure intensity
(ii) Predictive validity
(iii) Resource usage
(iv) Applicability (8)
b. What are the assumptions of the execution-time component model? Compare the execution-time component for basic model and the logarithmic Poisson model. (8)
Q.9 a. Describe the various types of restructuring techniques. How does restructuring help in maintaining a program? (8)
b. Describe the various steps of the reuse oriented model. (4)
c. What is ripple effect? How does it affect the stability of a program? (4)