Code: C-02 / T-02                     Subject: COMMUNICATION AND TECHNICAL WRITING

Time: 3 Hours                                                                   June 2006                                   Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.

Q.1            In this question (parts a to h), some of the sentences have an error and some have none.  Each sentence has three divisions – (A), (B) and (C).  Find out which part of the sentence has an error and indicate that in the space provided for it in the Answer Book against the appropriate question number (i.e. A, B, C etc.).  If there is no error in the sentence, then write (D) against that Question in the Answer Book. (20)

a.       Many of the author (A)/of this book are members (B)/ of a national support group. (C) /No error (D)


b.      It is not feasible but (A)/in many ways desirable also that (B)/an organization should run its own courses for developing employees. (C) /No error. (D)

             c.   Having said this, (A)/let me hasten to add that we are (B)/ not against social mixing. (C)/ No error. (D)                                                                                                                                              

d.      The chief has  instructed the Manager to(A)/ appraise the Governor of  (B)/ the activities of our institute. (C)/No error. (D)


e.       He is an idealist (A)/ and when it comes to principles does not (B)/ budge on an inch. (C)/No error. (D)                                                                                                                               


             f.    With a liberalized duty structure (A)/ and the government’s stand at allowing multinationals to set up shop directly, (B)/ imported parts are now freely available. (C)/ No error. (D)


             g.   Were I you (A)/ I should have not (B)/ allowed him to stay in the hostel. (C)/ No error. (D)


             h.   What makes most technology (A)/ profitable for re-marketers is (B)/ the support and service opportunities that are built into it. (C)/No error. (D)


             i.    None of us are so knowledgeable (A)/and versatile to conduct (B)/ this programme independently. (C)/ No error. (D)


j.        But for your (A)/ help it would not (B)/ have been possible to finish this work on time (C)/ No error. (D)


Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.

  Q.2           Enlist different types of communication. Also give advantages and disadvantages of each type of communication.                                    (16)


  Q.3           Write an essay of about 400 words on any ONE of the following :

(i)                  ‘Changing Information Technology – Challenges and Prospects.’

                   (ii)       ‘The Privatisation of Public Sector Undertakings.’                                  (16)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (16)


  Q.4           Discuss the various types of listening? What are the essentials for good listening?                 (16)


  Q.5           Draft a Proforma for the submission of a technical proposal.  State the circumstances under which a given proposal is rejected.                            (16)


  Q.6           Write an article on any ONE of the following, to be published in a  periodical of a semi-technical nature:


(i)                  Use of solar energy in villages.

(ii)                Water pollution and its control.

(iii)               Growth of Telecom Industries in India.                                                 (16)          



  Q.7          a.   Substantiate any one of the following statements with arguments and facts. (About 400 words)                                                             (8)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (8)        (8)   


(i)                  Ragging in Colleges should be banned.


                   (ii)      Indian can progress only if more areas are opened to private sectors.


             b.   Select the option which replaces the under lined portion without changing the meaning.                    (8)       


(i)                  I think it would simply be cheeses-paring to start buying a weekly newspaper.

                               (a) stinginess                            (b) unfair

                               (c) unsolicitous                         (d) nit-picking                                             


(ii)                I am certainly not coming with you and your fiancée. I hate playing gooseberry.


                               (a) being a trouble-maker         (b) being a dignitary

                               (c) being a voyeur                    (d) none of these                                        


(iii)               She went off to start organizing the meeting Like a lamb to the slaughter, not realizing what an unpleasant task she had taken on.


                              (a) promiscuously                     (b) without arguing

                              (c) sadistically                           (d) passionately                                          


(iv)              When the chips are down, only your most loyal friends will help you.


                               (a) in a moment of ecstasy       

                               (b) when in trouble

                               (c) when an important decision is to be made                                                        

                               (d) When the plans are altered






(v)                I have been running round in circles trying to organize this party and there seems to be such a lot still to do


(a)    coming full circle               

(b)   very busy without achieving anything

(c)    dropping a clanger            

(d)   staking a claim                  


(vi)              These days it is difficult to make both ends meet.


(a)    To make two ends meet    

(b)   To make all ends meet

(c)    To make the ends meet     

(d)   No improvement               


(vii)             Before I could stop him, the boy was throwing the box down the stairs.


(a)    had thrown                       

(b)   threw

(c)    did throw                          

(d)   No improvement               


(viii)           If I shall pass this examination, my mother will be very happy.


(a)    Will pass                          

(b)   pass

(c)    would pass                       

(d)   No improvement               


  Q.8     a.   Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:


                   Games though essential, should not become the be-all and end-all of student life. Generally the sportsmen waste too much time on them and fail in their examinations. One must never devote more than an hour to sports and after that should not even think about them. Again if a player plays a game rashly, there is every danger of breaking bones. If it is played without the spirit of sportsmanship, it can lead to bad blood and quarrels. In some of the colleges, there is a tradition that if the visiting team is winning a match, the home team plays foul, picks up a quarrel and breaks the bones of the visitors. But in spite of these minor defects, sports are very useful in keeping the students busy and in developing their personalities. India expects its citizens to have the qualities of true sportsmen. If we all acquire these qualities there will be no narrow-mindedness, no corruption and no injustice. There will be independence in the real sense of the word.


1.      How much time should a student devote to sports?

2.      What harm do games do to some students?

3.      Why do players break their bones sometimes?

4.      What would happen if we acquire the qualities of a good sportsman?

5.      What does India expect its citizens to have?                                                (10)


             b.   Differentiate between the following:                                                                        

(i)                  Hearing vs Listening

(ii)                Semantic barriers vs Psychological barriers of communication.

(iii)               E-mail vs Voice mail                                                                  (6)


  Q.9     a.   Do as directed:                                                                                                      


(i)                  Mohan said to me, “I shall go to Bombay in October or November.”

       (change into Indirect speech)


(ii)                The girl has left the school. The teacher punished her.

                   (Change into complex sentence)


(iii)               God helps those who help themselves.

                               (Change into passive voice)


        (iv)   The stranger said I am the captain’s friend I haven’t heard  anything 

                 from Rajendra for a long time.             (Punctuate the sentence)



(v)     The guests left and we heaved a sigh of relief.

                   (Change into a simple sentence)


                   (vi)    The thief ran away before the police came.

                                                                                          (Correct the sentence)


                   (vii)   It is proposed that we should see which way the wind blows.

                                                      (Change into active voice)


                   (viii) They said to me, “You have done well.”

                                                                  (Change into past perfect tense)

                                                                                                   (2 x 8 = 16)