NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.
· Question 1 is compulsory and
carries 20 marks. Answer to Q.1 must be written in the space provided for it in
the answer book supplied and nowhere else.
· Out of the remaining EIGHT
Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.
· Any required data not
explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.
Q.1 Choose
the correct or the best alternative in the following: (210)
a. An RLC circuit has a resonance frequency of
120 kHz and Q- factor of 120. Its bandwidth will be
(A) 1 Hz (B) 1 kHz
(C) 100 kHz (D) 120 kHz
b. Which of the following theorem enables a
number of voltage (or current)
to be combined directly into a single voltage (or current source).
(A) Compensation theorem (B) Reciprocity theorem
(C) Superposition theorem (D) Milliman’s theorem
c. The reflection
co-efficient of the simplest standing wave is
(A) 0 (B)
(C) –1 (D) infinity
d. A transmission line of characteristic impedance 75 ohms is to be
connected to a load of impedance (
150+j0) W using a quarter wavelength
transformer. The required characteristic impedance of the transformer for the
perfect matching would be
(A) 420 W (B) 315 W
(C) 276 W (D) 106 W
e. In a series
resonance circuit at resonance
(A) (B)
(C) L2C2
=1 (D)
f. A two-port
network is reciprocal or bilateral provided
(A) Z11 = Z22 (B) Z11 = Z12
(C) Z12 = Z21 (D) Z21 = Z22
g. A function is
given by H(s)= it will have zero at
(A) infinity (B) anywhere on the s-plane
(C) on the imaginary axis (D) on the origin
h. Laplace transform of a function f(t) is given by
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
i. If the characteristic impedance is 314 ohms
and cut off frequency is 1000 Hz. Which of the following design is correct, for
a low pass prototype filter.
(A) L=10 mH, C=10 mF (B) L=50 mH, C=20 mF
(C) L=100 mH, C=1.015 mF (D) L=500 mH,C=1mF
j. If P1 and P2
are the input and output
powers, the attenuation in dB of the network is given by
(A) P1/ P2 (B) log10 P1/ P2
(C) 10 log10 P1/
P2 (D) 20 log10 P1/
Answer any FIVE Questions out
of EIGHT Questions.
Each question carries 16
Q.2 a. Write short note on Unilateral and Distributed
elements. (4)
b. A resistance R
and 5mF
capacitor are connected in series across a 100 V d.c supply. Calculate the
value of R such that the voltage across the capacitor becomes 50 V in 5 sec,
after the circuit is switched on. (6)
c. Two capacitors A and B have capacitance of 100 mF and
50 mF respectively.
(i ) A and B
are connected in series and fed from 240 V d.c source. Find VA
and VB and total energy stored.
(ii) A and B are connected in parallel across a
240 V d.c source. Find
energy stored. (6)
Q.3 a.
Draw an asymmetrical T- Network
whose series impedances are
Z1 = 400W,
Z2 = 800W, and shunt impedance is Z3 = 1200W.
The image impedance of the network.
(ii) What should be the value of terminating
impedance to obtain
impedance matching?
Explain the concept of Voltage Standing
Wave Ratio (VSWR). What are the uses of half wave in transmission lines? (2+4+2)
Q.4 a. Find
the inverse Laplace transform of
(ii) (4+4)
b. The response
of a circuit to a unit impulse is . Find the response for an input v(t)=e-2t using
convolution. (8)
Q.5 a. A two port network is terminated by a load
impedance ZL at port 2. Find driving point impedance at port1 in
terms of (8)
(i) Z parameters
(ii) Y parameters (iii)
ABCD parameters
b. Obtain the
expression for the steady state response of circuit containing resistor R,
inductor L and capacitor C. The voltage
applied to the circuit is . (8)
Q.6 a. In the network shown below. Find
(i) The value of resistance RL
which should be connected
across ab so that maximum
power will be delivered to it.
(ii) Maximum power
(iii) Total power delivered by the source. (8)
b. State Superposition theorem. Apply this theorem to find the
VAB in the circuit shown
below:- (8)
(iii) When RL is adjusted for maximum
power transfer, what percentage of power delivered by 360 V source reaches RL. (8)
Q.7 a. What are the properties of series resonance circuit.
Show that the condition for resonance in a parallel RLC circuit is same to that
of a series RLC circuit. (2+6)
b. Find the
resonance frequency of a series RLC circuit where R= 2.5W, L= 25mH and C= 50mF.
Evaluate Q factor also. (8)
Q.8 a. A transmission Line with characteristic
impedance of 300 W is terminated in a purely
resistive load. It is found by measurement that the minimum value of voltage
upon it is 5mV and maximum voltage is 7.5mV. what is the value of the load resistance. (8)
b. Explain the
Types of distortions in a transmission line. Derive the condition for minimum distortion. (4+4)
Q.9 a. For a symmetrical T attenuator, if the ratio of input to output power is 5.2 and
load impedance is 300 W. Calculate:-
Series and shunt arm impedance.
(ii) The attenuation in dB (8)
b Classify filters
and draw attenuation versus
frequency characteristics of all filters. (8)