Code: DC07                                                                                 Subject: BUSINESS SYSTEMS

Flowchart: Alternate Process: DECEMBER 2009 Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100



NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q.1 must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or the best alternative in the following:                                (2  10)


a.           Identify the invalid field name out of the following:-


(A) “RS.35.89”                                    (B) “Currency”

(C) PQR 32                                         (D) “32 PQR”


b.      A File management system can typically access records from:-


(A) Only one file at a time.                   (B) Many files at a time.

(C) Only two files at a time.                 (D) None of the above.


             c.   The most efficient and well designed computerized payroll system would be:-


(A)    On-Line real time system.             (B) Batch processing system.

(C)  Both (A) and (B) above.              (D) None of the above.


             d.   A suite of programs that handle an organization’s database responsibilities is called a:-


(A)    DBMS.                                      

(B)  Database Processing System (DBPS).

(C)  DMS.                                         

(D)  All of the above.                         


             e.   The master file of a Payroll system contains-


(A)     Employee’s name.                        (B) Number of days present.

(C)  Basic salary.                                 (D) (A) and (C) only.


             f.    Which of the following statements is false?


(A)     FIND and SEEK command need index file.   

(B) CONTINUE cannot be used to find the next matching record after                using FIND/SEEK.

(C) Contents of a variable can be searched with FIND and SEEK        commands.           

(D) None of the above.




g.   To unconditionally exit from a SCAN – ENDSCAN loop, one can use:-


(A)     LOOP                                         (B) .NOT. EOF()

(C)  EXIT                                           (D) SKIP


             h.   Mark the invalid statement:-


(A)    A report can be previewed while designing.   

(B)  A report format file can be used with more than one database file.

(C)  A report format file can use three database files.        

(D)  Indexed database files cannot be used with a report format file.


             i.    The command that select an index file/tag for a database file is:-


(A)   SELECT INDEX.                       (B)  SELECT ORDER.

(C)  SET ORDER.                              (D)  None of the above.


             j.    The command used to add a new field to an active database file is:-


(A)    MODIFY LABEL.                      (B)  MODIFY STRUCTURE.




Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.



  Q.2     a.   What is a Database? Differentiate between Manual database handling & Computerized database handling with suitable examples.                         (5)


             b.   What do you understand by Database structure?  Explain field types with their purposes supported by FoxPro.                                                                                                             (5)                      


             c.   Define the following FoxPro commands:-

                   (i)   LIST                                             (ii)  APPEND

                   (iii) SET STATUS ON                        (iv) SET DEFAULT

                   (iv)  MODIFY STRUCTURE             (vi) SET HEADING OFF                       (6)


  Q.3     a.   What is Sorting?  Write commands to sort on single and multiple database fields, with example.                                                                 (5)


b.   What is Indexing of databases in FoxPro?  Explain COMPACT Single Index file and STRUCTURAL compound index file, with commands to create them using suitable examples.                      (6)       


c.   What are Memory variables?  State the purpose of STORE command with its different Options using suitable examples.                                (5)                                                                                    









Q.4       a.   Explain the advantages of computerised inventory control.                                   (5)


b.   Explain the following Functions and Commands in FoxPro.                                     


       (i)  CMONTH()                                 (ii) DTOC()

       (iii)  CDOW()                                     (iv)  SET CENTURY ON/OFF

       (v)  SET MARK TO                                                                                         (5)                      


      c.                                                        What is a command file in FoxPro?  What are the different ways to create a program file?  Also explain DO WHILE – ENDDO  loop.           (2+2+2)


  Q.5     a.   Write about ACCEPT, INPUT and WAIT commands in FoxPro programs, give necessary examples.                                                                   (6)


    b.   What is the purpose of DO CASE – ENDCASE commands in FoxPro?  Write a FoxPro Program to create ADDRESS MENU, in which user will have following choices?                                                                        


1 edit a specific record.

          2 Pack the deleted records.

          3 Add new records.

          4 Display records.

          5 Quit FoxPro                                                                          

Press any number between (1 – 5) ____.


Note: Assume that file named ADDRESS.DBF with 100 records already exists.                                                                                                               (10)


  Q.6     a.   State the reasons behind these error messages in FoxPro                                        


                   (i) Unrecognized command verb           (ii) Record is not in index

                   (iii) Data type mismatch                        (iv) File is in use

                   (v) Variable not found                          (vi) Nesting error                                    (6)


b.   How do we handle multiple Databases in FoxPro? Explain the concept of WORK AREAS in FoxPro with the help of an example.                        (5)


c.   What do you understand by ‘relation’?  What are the advantages of using SET RELATION TO command?                                                                                                                         (5)


  Q.7     a.   Write the steps for designing Custom Screens. Also describe the purpose and utility of @ …SAY…GET and READ command                           (8)  


             b.   What are user defined functions and Procedure files give examples?                    (8)


  Q.8     a.   Differentiate between APPEND FROM and COPY TO commands.                  (6)


             b.   Distinguish between a record count, control total and hash total.  List the advantages of each.                                                                     (5)






             c.   What do you understand by CAAT?  State the factors to be considered in implementing CAAT.                                                               (5)

  Q.9           Differentiate between the following:                                                                        

 (i)   Master file and Transaction file.

        (ii)  Flow chart and Psedocode.

        (iii) Real time and Time sharing.

       (iv) Assembly language and Machine level language.                                         (16)