NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.
· Question 1 is compulsory and
carries 20 marks. Answer to Q.1 must be written in the space provided for it in
the answer book supplied and nowhere else.
· Out of the remaining EIGHT
Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.
· Any required data not
explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.
Q.1 Choose
the correct or the best alternative in the following: (210)
a. In a circular waveguide with
radius ‘r’, the dominant mode is
(A) (B)
b. The propagation constant is
quantity (B) Complex quantity
(C) Both (A)
& (B) (D) None of these
c. TE and TM waves have an axial component of the
(A) Circuit (B) Field
(C) Circuit and Field (D) None of the above
d. There is a rectangular waveguide whose breadth is 10 cm. For a 2.5 GHz signal propagated in this waveguide in the dominant mode. The cut off wavelength is
10 cm (B) 15 cm
(C) 25 cm (D) 20 cm
e. The main disadvantage of the two-hole directional coupler is
(A) narrow bandwidth (B) low
directional coupling
(C) poor directivity (D)
high standing wave ratio
f. In transmission line, at a point exactly a quarter wavelength from the load, the current is
maximum. (B) permanently zero
(C) infinite (D) none of these.
g. A short-circuited line
less than long behaves as a
capacitance. (B) pure
(C) both (A) and (B) (D) None of the above.
h. For transmission line load matching over a range of frequencies, it is best to use a
transformer or balun
directional coupler
stub of adjustable position
i. A transmission time terminated with open circuit having input impedance
(A) 0 (B) jZo tan
(C) - jZo cot (D) 1
j. A ferrite is
(A) a non conductor with magnetic
(B) An inter metallic compound with particularly
good conductivity
(C) An insulator which heavily attenuates magnetic fields
(D) A microwave semiconductor invented by Faraday
Answer any FIVE Questions out
of EIGHT Questions.
Each question carries 16
Q.2 a. Derive the transmission line equations. (8)
b. The
terminating impedance ZL = (100 + j100) and the characteristic
impedance ZO of the line and stub is 50
. The first stub is placed at 0.4
away from the load. The spacing between the 2 stubs is
. Determine the length of the short-circuited stubs where the
match is achieved. What terminations are forbidden for matching the line by the
double stub device? Use Smith chart. Why is double stub matching preferred over
single stub matching? (8)
Q.3 a. Derive the wave equation for a TM wave and
obtain all the field components in a rectangular waveguide. (8)
b. A rectangular waveguide with cross-sectional
dimensions 5 cm by 3 cm is filled with a dielectric of relative permittivity 3.
(i) Determine the cut off frequency of the TE11 mode. (ii) Determine
the frequency at which this mode has an attenuation of nepers/m. (8)
Q.4 a. Derive an expression for resonant frequency fO
in a rectangular cavity resonator. (6)
b. What is the power passing
through a rectangular waveguide propagating in the TE10 mode when
the maximum signal strength is ? The dimensions of the waveguide are 3 cm × 1.5 cm and the
frequency is 10 GHz. (6)
c. Briefly discuss loop coupling and aperture coupling. (4)
Q.5 a. In
an H plane Tee junction, 20mW power is applied to the main arm that is
perfectly matched to the junction.
Calculate the power delivered to the load and
connected to port (1)
and port (2) of collinear arms respectively.
b. Explain how amplification is achieved in a Magnetron with neat sketch. (8)
Q.6 a. Explain
the operation of two-cavity klystron amplifier with neat sketch. (8)
b. Obtain the scattering matrix of a Eplane Tee. (8)
Q.7 a. Describe the method for microwave frequency
and Noise Factor measurement. (8)
Mention the chief advantages and disadvantages of microwave communication
systems. (8)
Q.8 a. Explain in detail the operation of PIN diode. (6)
b. Compare stripline and micro strip lines. (4)
c. What are the limitations of conventional
tubes at microwave frequencies? (6)
Q.9 Write short notes on the following (Any TWO).
(i) Varactor
diode-operation in detail
(ii) Microwave
(iii) IMPATT
(iv) Measurement
of high VSWR. (8 2)