NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.
· Question 1 is compulsory and
carries 20 marks. Answer to Q.1 must be written in the space provided for it in
the answer book supplied and nowhere else.
· Out of the remaining EIGHT
Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.
· Any required data not
explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.
Q.1 Choose
the correct or the best alternative in the following: (210)
a. The value of is approximated by
22/7. If seven significant digits are used,
the percentage relative error in this approximation is
(A) 0.4. (B) 0.04.
(C) 2.2. (D) 4.
b. A root of the equation is near
Using one iteration of
the Newton-Raphson method, the next approximation to
the root is obtained as
(A) -1.25115. (B) -1.29856.
(C) -1.70161. (D) 1.26211.
c. The data P(1) = 14, P(2) =35, P(3) = 72 is given. An approximation to P(2.5) using all the data values is given by
61.5 (B) 53.5
(C) 56.0 (D) 51.5
d. Let be a third degree
polynomial. Then, the forward difference
is given by
(A) 6a. (B) 0.
(C) 3a. (D) 6a + b.
e. The value of the integral evaluated by the
trapezoidal rule with h = 1, is
obtained as
16.292 (B) 18.292
(C) 15.322
f. The initial value problem y(0) = 1 is given. The
approximation to y(0.4) obtained by
the Euler method with h = 0.2 is
(C) 0.82. (D) 0.92.
g. If is an eigen value of
A, then eigen value of A-1 is
(A) (B) -
(C) - (D)
h. If
f(x) = , then the value of f[a,b] will be
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
i. For the Simpson’s rd rule, the interpolating polynomial is a
Straight-line (B)
(C) Cubic curve (D) None
j. The
value of the integral using Gaussian integration formula for n = 2 is
(A) (B)
(C) (D) None
Answer any FIVE Questions out
of EIGHT Questions.
question carries 16 marks.
Q.2a. A root of the
equation is to be
determined. Obtain an interval of length 1 unit, in which a positive root lies.
Taking the end points of this interval as initial approximations, perform two
iterations of the secant method to find approximations to the root (7)
b. Write a C
program to compute using while loop.
Output x, n and
. (6)
c. If , then find the values of a
and b. (3)
Q.3a. Perform four
iterations of the Newton-Raphson method to find the smallest positive root of
the equation
b. Using Lagrange interpolation, find from the table of
Q.4a. Derive the least squares straight line approximation for a data of N values
Hence, obtain the
least squares straight line approximation to the data
Also, find the least squares error. (8)
b. Write a C
program to find a simple root of by the regula-falsi
method. Input (i) a, b (two initial approximations between
which the root lies), (ii) n (maximum
number of iterations) and (iii) error tolerance “eps”. Output (i) approximate
root, (ii) number of iterations taken. If the inputted value of n is not sufficient, the program should
write “Iterations are not sufficient”. Write the subprogram for
. (8)
Q.5a. The following data represents the function
Estimate using the Newton’s
backward difference interpolation. Find the magnitude of the actual error. (8)
b. The system of equations has a solution near x = 0.7, y = 0.3. Perform two iterations of the Newton’s method to obtain
the root. (8)
Q.6a. Find the inverse of the coefficient matrix of the system of
by the Gauss-Jordan method with
partial pivoting and hence solve the system. (8)
b. The system of equations
is given. Using the Gauss-Seidel
iteration scheme in matrix form for its solution, find whether the scheme
converges. If it converges, find the rate of convergence. (8)
Q.7a. The following data is given
x 1.0 1.5 2.0
2.5 3.0
f(x) 3.0 6.625 13.0
22.875 32.5
From this data, evaluate using the Simpson rule
with three and five points. (7)
b. Write a C
program to evaluate , by trapezium rule of integration based on n + 1 points. Input the values of n, a,
b. Write
as a function sub- program. Output all the data and the
computed value. (9)
Q.8 a. The formula is suitable for
where a is the last value in the data.
from the table of
values, using all possible step lengths.
1.6 1.8 1.9 1.95 2.0
7.5530 8.8497 9.5859 9.9787 10.3891 (8)
b. The formula is being used to
from a table of
values. Using Taylor series, find the leading term of the error. Derive the
formula for obtaining the improved (Richardson’s) extrapolated value of
. In a particular problem, the following results were
obtained with different step lengths, using the above formula.
h 0.4 0.2
0.52601 0.53671
Compute the
improved (Richardson’s) extrapolated value of. (8)
Gauss-Legendre two point integration formula can be written as
Determine the values of b, d, p. (7)
b. Using the Gauss-Laguerre two point formula,
evaluate the integral (4)
c. Use Runge-Kutta method of fourth order to
determine y(0.2) with h = 0.2, for the initial value problem (5)