Code: AC23                                  Subject: MICROPROCESSOR BASED SYSTEM DESIGN

Flowchart: Alternate Process: DECEMBER 2009Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q.1 must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or the best alternative in the following:                           (210)


a.       Conversion of the  decimal number  into signed binary word results into


(A) 1111 0011 0111 0100                  (B) 0000 1100 1000 1100

(C) 1111 0011 0111 0011                  (D) 1000 0011 0111 0100


b.      Determine the memory location addressed by the following real mode 80286 register combination: DS=2000H and SI =1002H.


(A) 30020H                                        (B) 21002H

(C) 12020H                                        (D) None of these.


c.       In what order registers are placed on the stack by the PUSHA instruction?


 (1) AX.

 (2) CX

 (3) DX

 (4) BX

 (5) SP and BP

 (6) DI and SI


(A) 6-5-4-3-2-1                                 (B) 6-5-4-2-3-1

(C) 1-2-3-4-5-6                                 (D) 6-5-4-1-2-3


d.      Which instruction converts the contents of the AL register into a number stored at the memory location addressed by BX+AL?


(A) XCHG BX, AL                             (B) MOV BX, AX

(C) XLAT                                           (D) None of these.


             e.    If DL=0F3H and BH=72H, list the difference after BH subtract from DL, and show the contents of the flag register bits.


(A)   Difference = 81H,C=0,A=0,S=1,Z=0, and O=0

(B) Difference = 81H,C=1,A=0,S=1,Z=0, and O=0

(C) Difference = 81H,C=0,A=0,S=0,Z=0, and O=0                                                       

(D) Difference = 81H,C=0,A=0,S=1,Z=0, and O=1


f.        The _________ bus architecture supports 32 bit / 64 bit transfers between personal computer and memory or I/O at rates 33 MHz. 


(A) PCI                                               (B) EISA

(C) ISA                                               (D) (B) and (C)


g.    Which of the following instructions does not apply to interrupts?


(A) BOUND                                       (B) INT

(C) INTO                                           (D) XLAT


             h.    Which of the following is true with respect to memory?


(A)    SRAM requires memory refreshing.   

(B) Synchronous dynamic RAM (SRAM) is used with most newer system         because of its speed.

(C) ROM is volatile memory.              

(D) RAM is non-volatile.


i.          The DMA controller select the I/O device used during a DMA transfer by which pins?


                   (A)  DACK3-DACK0                        (B) HLDA

                   (C)  READY                                       (D) A3-A0.


             j.    When memory manager is in use, the 80286 addresses ________ bytes of virtual memory


                   (A)  1K                                               (B) 1M

                   (C)  1G                                               (D) 8G



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.




  Q.2     a.   Discuss A/D conversion and its interfacing with microprocessor.                         (6)                                                                                                                                                                            (6)


             b.   Compare 8085 and 8086.                                                                                (4)


             c.   Explain real mode addressing and protected mode addressing.                            (6)


  Q.3     a.   What is the use of the following pins on 8086?                                                    (6)


                   (i)      DEN                                       (ii)  HOLD

(iii) S7                                   (iv) IO  or M


             b.   Compare 80486 and Pentium based on data bus width, address bus width and memory size.                                                                     (4)


             c.   Explain interrupt vector table.  Explain software interrupt instruction BOUND and INTO.               (6)


  Q.4     a.   Explain 8087 arithmetic coprocessor architecture.                                               (6)


             b.   Discuss Mode 2 Bi-directional operation of Programmable Peripheral Interface 8255.                    (5)


c.       Write 8086 assembly language program to input a string of characters (using a loop) and stores each character in an array. Redisplay the array at the end of the program.(Hint. use services 01 & 02 of DOS.)                                                           (5)


  Q.5     a.   Explain following 8086 assembly instructions with an example and their effect on flag register:-


                   (i)    DIV BYTE PTR[BP]                   (ii)    LEAVE

                   (iii)  XLAT                                          (iv)   DAS 

                   (v)   JCXZ                                           (vi)   SCAS                                         (12)


            b.   Explain following instructions in 8087 math co-processor :

                   (i)   FINIT                                           (ii)  FTST

                   (iii) FPTAN                                         (iv)  FWAIT                                           (4)


  Q.6     a.   Discuss ISA bus and need of EISA bus.                                                             (7)


             b.   What is the need of DMA data transfer ? Explain the operation of HOLD and HLDA DMA control signals. Discuss function of the 8237 DMA controller when used for DMA transfers.      (9)


  Q.7     a.   What is Signed saturation?                                                                                 (2)


             b.   Explain MMX technology and its instruction set.                                                 (7)


             c.   Write 8086 assembly language program to find a maximum number from a given set of numbers.                                                                (7)


  Q.8     a.   Write an 8086 assembly program for the following:

                   The address of memory location is located at two successive locations: a_addr and a_addr+1. Transfer the contents of memory location from a_addr to another location b_addr.                                 (4)


b.  Explain any THREE of the following:                                                               (12)


(i)   Minimum mode vs maximum mode

(ii)  80486 microprocessor

(iii) Address decoding of memory

(iv) Super scalar architecture

(v)  Serial I/O communication.


  Q.9           Explain any FOUR of the following:     (16)


1.  Memory Paging

2.  PCI bus.

3.  Virtual mode addressing.

4.  Six digit display interface using 8279.

5.  8086 bus timing.