NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.
· Question 1 is compulsory and
carries 20 marks. Answer to Q.1 must be written in the space provided for it in
the answer book supplied and nowhere else.
· Out of the remaining EIGHT
Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.
· Any required data not
explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.
Q.1 Choose
the correct or the best alternative in the following: (210)
a. Which of the following is a non-temporal media,
Video. (B)
(C) Graphics. (D) Animation.
b. The resolution of SIF format (NTSC) is
(A) 720 480. (B)
(C) 352 240. (D)
c. The file size of a 5-second recording sampled at 22kHz,
16-bit stereo (two tracks) would be about:
(A) 110,000 bytes (B)
220,000 bytes
(C) 440,000 bytes (D)
880,000 bytes
number of bytes transmitted to transfer an image with resolution of 640 480 pixels and pixel
quantization of 8 bits/ pixel is
(A) 2457600. (B) 307200.
(C) 184900. (D)
of the following is false for MIDI?
(A) It is a digital interface
(B) It enables computers to
communicate with the musical devices
(C) The MIDI devices interact
through messages
(D) The MIDI keyword is used to
produce sound
f. The compression ratio of
MPEG-1 frame is higher for:
(A) I frames (B) P frames
(C) B frames (D) All are equal
g. Why was the OSI model developed?
(A) Manufacturers disliked the
TCP/IP protocol suite
(B) The rate of data transfer was
increasing exponentially
(C) Standards were needed to allow
any two systems to communicate
None of the above.
h. An HTTP request message always
contains ________________.
(A) a header and a body
(B) a request line and a header
(C) a status line, a header and a
(D) none of the above
i. _______ is the protocol
designed to handle real-time traffic on the Internet.
(C) RTP (D) none of the above
j. ________________ is used to
compress images.
(A) MPEG (B)
(C) either (A) or (B) (D)
None of the above.
Answer any FIVE Questions out
of EIGHT Questions.
Each question carries 16
Q.2 a. Why
is data compression desirable for multimedia activities? (2)
b. What is the distinction
between lossy and lossless data compression?
c. Briefly outline the JPEG
compression pipeline and the constituent compression algorithms employed at
each stage in the pipeline. (12)
6 marks
Q.3 a. What is an ATM network?
Describe the general operation of an ATM Network with diagram. (10)
b. What do you understand by MIDI?
How MIDI files are different from Digital audio? (6)
Q.4 a. What
is RSVP? Give its salient features. (6)
b. Discuss the requirements of
operating system related to multimedia data processing, namely, (10)
(i) Real-Time System &
Resources Management
(iii) File
Q.5 a. Why
was MPEG-4 Systems developed? Discuss about the “object’, “object based coding” and
different frame types in MPEG-4. (8)
b. Explain with the help if a diagram the Delivery Multimedia
Integration Framework (DMIF) (8)
Q.6 a. What is QoS and why is it
needed for multimedia communication systems. (6) (8)
b. List the differences between
mp2 and mp3 audio codec. (4)
c. Explain the following terms:
(i) P-frames (ii) Huffman coding (6)
Q.7 a. Write in short about TCP, UDP
and RTP with respect to multimedia network systems. (6)
b. Discuss about hypertext and hypermedia? How do they differ? (10)
Q.8 a. Outline the basic
characteristics of temporal and non-temporal media with examples. (8)
b. What is content based
information retrieval? (8)
Q.9 Write short notes on:
(i) Various
types of Audio File Format
(ii) Multimedia file system
(iii) Windows Multimedia Extension
(iv) MPEG-7 (4 4)