Code: AC20 / AT21                                                  Subject: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE &

Flowchart: Alternate Process: DECEMBER 2009                                                                                                                   NEURAL NETWORKS

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q.1 must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or the best alternative in the following:                                 (2 10)


             a.  The requirement of a good control strategy is that


                  (A) it causes motion                              (B) it is systematic

                  (C) both of the above                           (D) none of the above


             b.  Which of the following verbs can be represented as PTRANS using Schank’s CD representation


                  (A)give                                                 (B) tell

                  (C)go                                                   (D) kick


             c.  What is interpretation of the following representation



                  (A) The dog bit the mail carrier            

                  (B) Every dog has bitten a mail carrier

                  (C) Every dog in town has bitten the mail carrier                                                                

                  (D) Every dog has bitten every mail carrier


             d.  The preconditions for UNSTACK(x, y) is







             e.  A good system for the representation of knowledge in a particular domain should possess


                  (A) Representational Adequacy            (B) Inferential Adequacy

                  (C) Inferential Efficiency                        (D) All of the above


             f.   A Horn clause is a clause that


                  (A) has at most one positive literal        

                  (B) has at most one negative literal

                  (C) has only facts                                 

                  (D) has one positive and one negative literal.


             g. Caching used in AI program to produce performance improvements is known as  


                                                                              (A) Explanation based learning  (B) Incremental learning

                  (C) Rote learning                                  (D) Inductive learning


             h.  Minimax procedure is a


                  (A) Breath-first process                       

                  (B) Depth-first process

                  (C) Depth-first and depth-limited process                                                                          

                  (D) Iterative deepening process


             i.   Dempster-Shafer theory considers set of propositions and assigns to each of them interval.


                                                                              (A) True                                                  (B) False


             j.   Abduction and Inheritance are common kinds of monotonic reasoning


                                                                              (A) True                                                  (B) False



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.


  Q.2     a.   Discuss Unification and Resolution in predicate logic using examples.                   (8)


             b.   Find a good state-space representation for the Towers of Hanoi problem.           (8)


  Q.3     a.   Consider the following sentences:

                   (i)    John likes all kinds of foods.

                   (ii)   Apples are food.

                   (iii)  Chicken is food.

                   (iv)  Any thing any one eats and is not killed by is food.

                   (v)   Bill eats peanuts and is still alive.

                   Translate these sentences to formulas in predicate logic.  Prove that “John likes peanuts” using Back Ward chaining.                                              (8)                                                            


             b.   Explain Steepest Ascent Hill-Climbing algorithm.  List three problems that are encountered in this strategy.                                                             (8)


  Q.4     a.   Discuss the following expert system architectures.

                   (i)   Rule based system.

                   (ii)  Non Production system.                                                                               (8)


             b.   Consider the following tree:-                                                                              (8)








                   (i)  What move should the first player choose?                                                        

                   (ii) What nodes would need to be examined using alpha-beta pruning algorithm assuming that nodes are examined from left to right order?        


  Q.5     a.   Discuss ATN and RTN based parsing. (8)


             b.   What are semantic nets?  Draw a semantic net for the following sentence:

                   Mary gave the book to sue.                                                                                (8)


  Q.6     a.   What do you understand by learning in AI?  Explain how a problem solver can improve its performance by generalising from its own experiences.  (8)                                                             


             b.   What do you mean by analogy?  Discuss two methods with examples for analogical problem solving.                                                                     (8)


  Q.7     a.   Write a PROLOG program to find the second largest and the second smallest number from a set of n distinct numbers.                                             (8)


             b.   Is it possible to write iterative programs in PROLOG?  If yes write an iterative program to find the factorial of a number.                                        (8)


  Q.8     a.   Suppose a doctor knows that the disease Dengue causes the patient to have body-pain say 90% of the time.  The doctor also knows the prior probability that a patient has Dengue is  and that any patient has body-pain is .  What is the probability of a patient having body pain to have Dengue?              (5)


             b.   If the performance of a student is calculated as  based on the marks between 0 to 100.  Define membership functions for each of the above mentioned fuzzy sets and draw corresponding graphs.                                                           (5)                                                             


             c.   Differentiate between  and  algorithm.                                                   (6)


  Q.9     a.   What are the five important components of a planning system?                            (8)


             b.   What is the difference between red and green cuts?                                            (4)


             c.   What are Hopfield Networks?                                                                           (4)