Code: AC12 / AT10                               Subject: DATA COMMUNICATION & NETWORKS

Flowchart: Alternate Process: DECEMBER 2009Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100



NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q.1 must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or the best alternative in the following:                                  (210)


a.       Star, ring and bus networks are example of ;


                   (A)  wireless LAN                               (B)  network topologies

(C)   multiplexer                                   (D)  modem


b.      The software that manages a local area network


(A)    network server                             (B)  virtual private network

(C)  network operating system             (D)  OSI


             c.   A home page refers to the first page of a


(A)     hot list                                          (B)  web site

(C)  browser                                       (D) hypertext


             d.   The software that you can install on your personal computer to access the internet is the


(A)   WWW                                        (B)  TCP/IP

(C) browser                                        (D)  URL


             e.   A television broadcast is an example of ____________ transmission


(A)  simplex                                         (B)  half-duplex

(C)  full-duplex                                    (D)  automatic


             f.    In a _________ topology , if there are n devices in a network, each device has n-1 ports for cables.


(A)     mesh                                            (B)  star

(C)  bus                                               (D)  ring


             g.   ASK, PSK, FSK and QAM are examples of _____________ encoding.


(A)     digital to digital                             (B)  digital to analog

(C)  analog to analog                           (D)  analog to digital



             h.   Synchronous transmission does not have_________


(A)    a start bit                                      (B)  a stop bit

(C)  gaps between bytes                      (D)  all of the above.


             i.    Which layer in ATM protocol has a 53 – byte cell as an end product?


(A)   physical                                        (B)  ATM

(C)  application adaptation                   (D)  cell transformation


             j.    The loss in signal power as light travels down the fibre is called


(A)  attenuation                                    (B)  propagation

(C)  scattering                                      (D)  interruption



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.


  Q.2     a.   Explain Nyquist Signaling rate and Shannon’s Channel capacity.                          (4)


             b.   Explain performance issues for the following data link control protocols:-

                   (i)   Go-back-n

                   (ii)  Sliding-window                                                                                            (8)


             c.   Compare TCP/IP and UDP protocols. (4)


  Q.3     a.   Why LAN bridges are required in network?  Briefly, explain transparent and source routing bridges and their applications.                                        (8)


             b.   Compare FDM and TDM multiplexing technique.                                               (4)


             c.   Explain signaling technique used in telephone network.                                        (4)


  Q.4     a.   Compare OSI and TCP/IP network models.                                                      (8)


             b.   Explain any two line coding techniques.                                                               (4)


c.       Explain various types of transmission media.                                                       (4)


  Q.5     a.   Compute CRC-4 character for the message, 11000110101101 using divisor 10011.                     (8)


             b.   Explain components of cellular telephone network.  Explain protocol stack in cellular networks.                                                                 (8)


  Q.6     a.   Explain the following scheduling approaches used in medium access control:-

                   (i)   Reservation systems.

                   (ii)  Polling systems.

                   (iii) Token passing rings.                                                                                     (9)




             b.   A stop-and-wait ARQ protocol is used in a full-duplex channel.  Each block of data uses 200 ms, and the ARQ message takes by 50 ms.  How many blocks of data are sent in 5 seconds?  How much time is lost by ARQ message?  What is the percentage?                                                                           (7)


Q.7       a.   Draw the format of IPv6 packet.                                                                        (4)


             b.   Compare IP and mobile IP.                                                                               (4)


             c.   Explain signaling messages involved in ATM connection setup.                            (6)


d.      Why is PNNI routing used in ATM network?                                                     (2)


  Q.8     a.   Explain RSVP architecture.                                                                               (4)


             b.   Explain network interconnections models

                   (i)  Overlay models                              (ii)  Peer-to-peer model.                         (6)


             c.   Explain any two application layer protocols and their features.                             (6)


  Q.9     a.   Explain the following:

                   (i)    Connectionless packet switching.

                   (ii)   Virtual circuit packet switching.     (8)


             b.   Explain hierarchical and specialized routing used in packet-switched networks.                   (8)