NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.
· Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.
· Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct or the best alternative in the following
and indicate (A,B,C or D) in the space provided for it in the Answer Book. (210)
a. Communication is a ____________ process.
(A) dynamic (B) static
(C) random (D) involuntary
b. The path followed by the communication process begins and ends on the ___________.
(A) receiver (B) medium
(C) sender (D) both the receiver and the sender.
c. Passive listening is the physical presence but ____________ absence of the listener.
(A) physical (B) mental
(C) voluntary (D) none of these
d. Communication among members working at the same level is known as
___________ communication
(A) diagonal (B) downward
(C) upward (D) lateral
e. During an interaction, if the speaker avoids making eye contact, it indicates that speaker is_________.
(A) confident (B) unsure/nervous
(C) respectful (D) disrespectful
f A limp handshake indicates that the individual is _________.
(A) of a weak nature (B) of dominant nature
(C) of informal nature (D) a politician.
g. She ____________ her father’s murder.
(A) revenged (B) took revenge
(C) took avenge (D) avenged
h. He has no __________.
(A) issue (B) issues
(C) issued (D) issused
i. Always _________your duty and try to _________ the best of a bad job.
(A) make, do (B) do, make
(C) doing, making (D) do, do
j. Let me congratulate you _________ your son’s marriage.
(A) for (B) on
(C) at (D) as
Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.
Each question carries 16 marks.
Q.2 a. List the various types of noise in the communication process and write a short explanatory note on each of them. (4)
b. What are some of the barriers of communication? List them. (8)
c. What are the 4 S’s of communication? List them. (4)
Q.3 a. What does the cycle of listening include? (4)
b. Differentiate between hearing and listening. (4)
c. Correct the following sentences, if required, and write the correct sentence.
(i) The committee are resolved upon this reform.
(ii) That is the girl whom we all agree is very beautiful.
(iii) My father, that works in a bank, is now on holiday.
(iv) Her work is superior than her brother’s although he is her senior at the college.
(v) I’d rather you took my sister to the dance tonight.
(vi) Students must either wear hats or caps.
(vii) The pundit read the first mantra while the bridegroom read the second.
(viii) Firstly I have no money, secondly I have no time. (8)
Q.4 a. In technical writing, what are the points that need to be kept in mind while making the structure of a paragraph? Briefly explain each of these points. (8)
b. Punctuate the following paragraph and indicate its topic. Use capital letters where required.
einsteins results were embodied in his theory of relativity he concluded that the laws of physics were invariant with respect to all frames of reference that is they had the same form in all frames in order for this result to hold newtons equation of motion had to be modified these modifications were found to be correct when the deductions from them were compared with experiments here indeed was a triumph for clarity and precision of thought. (8)
Q.5 a. The paragraph below is in the literary style. Rewrite the paragraph in the technical (scientific) style.
Sodium is white as silver – you will surely like its appearance. And it is soft too; I can cut it with my pocketknife. I sometimes mould it into fantastic shapes. But touch a lump of sodium with fingers moistened in water and see the fun; I once placed a piece of sodium in a test tube with kerosene, and heated it. And lo! The sodium melts and assumes the shape of a drop. I am surprised to see sodium melt so quickly. (8)
b. In the passage below, fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
First, Newton assumed that since the planets followed curved paths they must be subject ______ a centripetal force and that this force must be directed _____ one focus ______their elliptical paths. Having made this assumption, he showed that Kepler’s second law would follow. Next, Newton showed that _____ a planet to have an elliptical orbit, the required central force must vary as the square of the planet’s distance _____the sun. As to the nature of the inverse square force, Newton induced that it was _______ the same nature as the gravitational force ______ objects ______ the surface ______ the earth. (8)
Q.6 a. List and elaborate on the steps that need to be followed while writing a technical paper. (8)
b. List the essential items of information that must be given in a memo. (8)
Q.7 a. List the steps that can and should be taken to create reader-interest in proposals. (8)
b. In writing for the World Wide Web, what are the points that need to be kept in mind for screen design? (8) (8) (8)
Q.8 a. If you were asked to build a design team for writing Multimedia Applications, what type of people you would choose and what areas of knowledge or skills should these people have? (8)
b. List the seven steps of a successful presentation. (8)
Q.9 a. What are the factors on which successful meetings depends? (8)
b. How can problem - solving within meetings be facilitated by the leaders? (8)