1. (a) There are SEVEN questions in all and these are arranged in three Sections
A, B and C.
(b) Sections A and B are compulsory and carry 20 marks and 32 marks
(c) Out of remaining 5 questions (of 16 marks each) in Section C students are
required to answer any 3 questions.
2. Detach this sheet from the question paper and write answers on this sheet
only on Pages 1 & 2. Attach it to the main drawing sheet. Remaining
questions are to be answered on the main drawing sheet.
3. All dimensions given are in mm. Use suitable values of any missing and
mismatching dimensions.
4. Use BIS Code: SP: 46-1988 for all drawings and do not rub off construction
SECTION A (Compulsory)
Note :1. Attach this sheet to the main drawing sheet.
2. Write Answers To Question No. 1 In This Sheet Only.
Q.1 A. Write
the correct or best alternative in the following : (102=20)
a. A point is ‘x’ distance infront of V.P. and ‘y’ distance below H.P., then the point is in __________ quadrant
(A) I (B) II
(C) III (D) IV
b. A plain scale is representing 1 cm = 0.5 Km, the R.F. is ________
(A) 5000:1 (B) 1:50000
(C) 10:5000 (D) 5000:10
c. If a vertical pyramid is cut by a horizontal section plane the resulting cut solid is ___________
(B) pyramid
(C) frustum
(D) cuboid
d. The curve generated by the locus of a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls, without slipping along a fixed straight line is known as
cycloid (B) ellipse
(C) trochoid (D) involute
e. The permissible variation of a size of a part is called __________
(A) allowance
(B) tolerance
(C) fundamental deviation
(D) None of these
f. The least distance from a rivet hole centre to the nearest edge of the plate is known as
margin (B)
(C) back pitch (D) diagonal pitch
A jib and cotter
joint is mostly used for ________ rod ends.
(A) triangle
(B) rectangle
(C) circular
(D) square
h. __________ holds a bearing, which supports on overhung shaft, which is parallel to and near a wall
(A) wall hanger
(B) wall bearing
(C) wall bracket
(D) none of these
Q1. B. State True or False
The difference of
the focal distances from any point on an ellipse is constant.
(A) True
(B) False
j. By
increasing the number of rows of rivets, the riveted joints become stronger.
(A) True
(B) False
Q.2 A machine block is shown in Fig.1 on page 4. Using 1:1 scale draw the following views giving nine important dimensions:
(i) Front view looking from the direction ‘X’.
(ii) Left side view.
(iii) Top view. (11+10+11 = 32)
Q.3 A
distance of 2 mm on a part of an object is represented by a line of 6 mm on the
drawing. Find the R.F. and construct a diagonal scale using that R.F. showing of mm, mm, cm and
long enough to measure 5 cm. Mark on it the distance 37.8 mm and 40.4 mm. (16)
Q.4 The top view of a 75 mm long line AB measures 65 mm, while the length of its front view is 50 mm. Its one end ‘A’ is in the H.P. and 12 mm in front of V.P. Draw the projections of AB and determine its inclination with H.P. and V.P. (16)
Q.5 A
hexagonal prism, base 40 mm side and height 40 mm. Draw its projections when it
is resting on one of its corners on the H.P. with its axis inclined at to the H.P. and
two of its faces parallel to V.P. (16)
Q.6 Draw the development of the surface of the object made out of cone shown in Fig.2. (16)
Q.7 a. Draw two views of hexagonal headed bolt and square nut taking bolt diameter 24 mm. Assume the shank length of bolt=100 mm. (16)