Code: DC-06                 Subject: ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS Flowchart: Alternate Process: JUNE 2007

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or best alternative in the following:                                         (2x10)


a.       The most important characteristic of a System Analyst is   


                   (A)  Problem Solver   

(B)    Programmer

(C)    Project Manager

(D)    Communicator


b.      Which of these systems process large amount of data for routine transaction?


(A)    Knowledge Systems

(B)    Decision Support systems

(C)    Expert Systems

(D)    None of the above


             c.   In which phase of the SDLC is the user-interface devised?


(A)     Analysis Phase                           

(B)     Study Phase

(C)     Design Phase                              

(D)     Test Phase


             d.   Which of the following is not used in the Context flow diagram


(A)    Shaded corner square                 (B)  Funnel

(C)  Arrow                                         (D)  Rectangle with rounded corners          


             e.   Which amongst the following is not likely a cause for a project failure?


(A)     An unrealistic project schedule

(B)     Management not allowing team to access outside expertise when needed

(C)     An unsupportive political climate within the system project environment

(D)    Team norms that facilitate team functioning





             f.    Which amongst the following is a disadvantage of closed questions?


(A)     They can become boring for the interviewer.  

(B)     They save time.

(C)     They cover lots of ground quickly.     

(D)    Their answers are easy to compare across several interviews.


             g.   Decision tables must contain conditions, actions and


(A)     Rules                                          

(B)     IF statements

(C)     PERFORM statements                

(D)    Iterations


             h.   Which of these is an example of an entity?


(A)    A Physician                                  (B)  A Patient’s name

(C)  An employee id                            (D)  All of the above


             i.    Which type of database has become increasingly widespread on networked PC’s?


(A)   Process oriented databases           (B)  Networked databases

(C) Hierarchical databases                   (D)  Relational databases


             j.    Which project planning and scheduling tool has a critical path component?


(A)    a Gantt Chart                               (B)  a PERT diagram

(C)  Time boxing                                 (D)  A PIM           



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.


  Q.2     a.   What is JAD? How is it better than traditional information gathering techniques? What are it weaknesses?                                                           (6)


             b.   Differentiate between the following:                                                                     (6)

(i)                  Coupling and Cohesion

(ii)                Logical and Physical system models

(iii)               Open-ended and closed-ended questions


             c.   How can you decide when to use Structured English, decision tables or decision trees? Which is best for which situation?                                   (4)


  Q.3     a.   Describe the waterfall lifecycle model. In what way(s) is the waterfall lifecycle model different from other lifecycle models?                                  (5)


             b.   Consider the BUILDING entity used for a municipal database with the following key and attributes:           

                   BUILDING (street, streetNo, city, ownerName, ownerAddress,  propertyTax)

                   This entity is already in First Normal Form(1NF). Is it in 2NF and in 3NF? Explain your answer and if not already in 2NF or 3NF? You may assume that

§         ownerName functionally depends on street, streetNo, city

§         propertyTax functionally depends on street, streetNo, city

§         ownerAddress functionally depends on ownerName                          (5)          


             c.   List and describe the common errors when designing the layout of Websites.                      (6)


  Q.4     a.   What is meant by usability and what characteristics of an interface are used to assess a system’s usability?                                                              (6)


             b.   List the different kinds of samples which can be drawn while choosing the respondents of a questionnaire?                                                             (4)


             c.   Describe four traditional techniques for collecting information during analysis. When might one be better than another?                                              (6)


  Q.5     a.   List and discuss the different types of project feasibility factors. Is any factor most important? Justify your answer.                                               (8)


             b.   Name two roles that a Systems Analyst needs to play during an information system development project. Explain each one briefly.                      (4)


             c.   A software system implementation is not complete until the system has been thoroughly tested using stub, unit and system testing. Name two types of testing that need to be done after the software system has been implemented.                                                                                                                  (4)


  Q.6     a.   A flight to Goa costs Rs 5,000 if the ticket is business class, and Rs.3,000 if it is economy. However, if you stay in Goa for more than one week, the economy fare only costs Rs1,000. Draw a decision table which represents these conditions and outcomes. Make sure your table is minimal with respect to the number of rows and columns used.                       (6)


             b.   Draw an Entity-Relationship diagram that describes the contents of the auction house database. You may assume that the auction house records name, phone number and address information for all customers. For each item, the auction house database contains a unique identifier (call it item#), a description, its owner, and the auction during which it was sold. For each auction, the database stores the date, the items put up for sale, who their buyer was, and their sale price.

                   Your diagram should show clearly attributes and keys for all entity and relationship types, also cardinalities for relationships.                                              (10)





  Q.7     a.   Mention the advantages of Top-down planning approach over other Planning approaches?             (4)   


             b.   Explain why are management skills and communication skills needed by System Analysts? Discuss in detail.                                                                                                                         (4)


             c.   List the different classes of information systems. How do they differ from each other?                      (8)


  Q.8     a.   Explain the following terms                  

(i)                  Prototyping

(ii)                Object-oriented analysis and design

(iii)               CASE tools                                                                               (6)


             b.  What are the various file organizations available? What are the various factors to be considered for selecting file organization during Physical database design?                                                              (4)


             c.   Describe three commonly used methods for performing Economic Feasibility (Cost Benefit Analysis).                                                                    (6)


  Q.9     a.   What is a data flow diagram? What do you mean by the term balancing with respect to DFD’s? How can you determine if the DFD’s are balanced or not?                                                                (6)


             b.  What do you mean by the degree of a relationship in an E-R diagram? Explain the three most common types of degree-relationship.                         (7)


             c.  When must a many-to-many relationship be modeled as an associative entity?                      (3)