NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.
· Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.
· Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.
· Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.
Q.1 Choose the correct or best alternative in the following: (2x10)
a. Which of the following is not a hardware device
(A) CPU (B) Memory unit
(C) Compiler (D) Chip
b. Flowchart is a diagrammatic representation indicating
(A) Events of a physical system.
(B) The events occurring in the logical sequence and showing the inter-relation between them.
(C) The flow of the process.
(D) The circuitry used in computer.
c. Machine language is a language
(A) Directly understood by a computer.
(B) Which needs to be translated.
(C) Which uses mnemonics.
(D) In which programs are written first.
d. BASIC is a
(A) High level language (B) Interpreter language
(C) Software language (D) Medium level language
e. Which of the following device have a limitation that one can only add information to it but cannot erase or modify.
(A) Floppy Disk (B) Hard Disk
(C) Tape Drive (D) CDROM
f. Which amongst the following devices can store the maximum amount of data
(A) Floppy Disk (B) Hard Disk
(C) Compact Disk (D) Magnetic Optic Disk
g. EPROM can be used for
(A) Erasing the contents of ROM.
(B) Reconstructing the contents of ROM.
(C) Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM.
(D) Duplicating ROM.
h. Number is equivalent in
binary system to
(A) 101110101 (B) 100110101
(C) 101010101 (D) 101110011
i. The earliest calculating devices are
(A) Abacus. (B) Clock.
(C) Difference . (D) None of these.
j. Register is a
(A) set of capacitors used to register input instructions in a digital computer.
(B) a set of paper tapes and cards put in a file.
(C) temporary storage unit within the CPU having dedicated or general purpose use.
(D) part of auxillary memory.
Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.
Each question carries 16 marks.
Q.2 a. List and explain the various types of Random Access Memories. (8)
b. What are RISC and CISC processors? Differentiate between them by listing out their relative advantages and disadvantages. (4)
c. What are the following units used to measure ?
(i) MHz (ii) GFLOPS
(iii) GB (iv) bps (4)
Q.3 a. Define the following terms in context of disk storage
(i) Access time (ii) Seek time
(iii) Latency (iv) Transfer rate (8)
b. List out the parameters on which storage capacity of a disk system depends. How is storage capacity determined? A disk pack has 10 disk plates each having 200 tracks with 40 sectors per track. Each sector can store 256 bytes. Determine the storage capacity of this disk pack. (8)
Q.4 a. What are the attributes on which CRT monitors can be compared? What are the popular standards for color monitors? (6)
b. What is a COM device? List out the advantages and disadvantages of a COM system as compared to printer. What type of applications is COM most suited for? List out some of the typical users of COM. (8)
c. What is an MICR device? Where is it primarily used? (2) (4)
Q.5 a. What is an Operating System? How do we measure the efficiency and overall performance of an Operating System? (5)
b. What are the main functions provided by most Operating Systems? (6)
c. Describe the structure of MS-DOS. List out some of the disadvantages of MS-DOS. (5)
Q.6 a. Give the full form of
(i) RAID (ii) VGA
(iii) OMR (iv) DVD
(v) DDS (5)
b. Convert the following numbers as indicated
(i) to Decimal.
(ii) to Hexadecimal.
(iii) to octal.
c. What are the five basic operations performed by any computer system? Show the organization of a basic computer through a block diagram. (5)
Q.7 a. Write short notes on
(i) Spreadsheet package.
(ii) Word-processing package. (5)
b. What are mass storage devices? Describe in detail any three types of commonly used mass storage devices. (6)
c. Explain the following concepts with respect to keyboard
i. Keyboard template.
ii. Autorepeat feature.
iii. Keyboard buffer.
iv. Software simulated key.
v. Foreign language keyboard. (5)
Q.8 a. What are Utility Programs? List out the tasks commonly performed by utility programs. (5)
b. What are registers? Describe the registers commonly used in all computers. (7)
c. Enumerate the steps taken during execution of an instruction by CPU. (4)
Q.9 a. List the steps performed by a voice recognition device to recognize and act upon spoken input data. (5)
b. Can we enter data directly through source documents? What kind of devices are required for this? What are the characteristics of such devices? (5)
c. What are the following facilities in a word processing package and how are they useful?
(i) WYSIWYG facility.
(ii) Print preview facility.
(iii) Mail merge facility. (6)