NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.
· Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.
· Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.
· Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.
Q.1 Choose the correct or best alternative in the following: (2x10)
a. Memory addressing capacity of the 8086 and Pentium 4 microprocessors are:
(A) 1 Mega bytes and 4 Giga bytes respectively
(B) 16 Mega bytes and 4 Giga bytes respectively
(C) 1 Mega bytes and 64 Giga bytes respectively
(D) 16 Megabytes and 64 Giga bytes respectively
b. Memory location addressed by the SS=2900H and SP=3A00H real mode 80286 register combination is
(A) 2CA00H (B) 11300H
(C) 29000H (D) 3C900H
c. Suppose that DS=1100H, BX=0200H, array=0250H, and SI=0500H. Determine the address accessed by MOV CH,[BX+SI]
(A) 11200H (B) 11000H
(C) 11950H (D) 11700H
d. By what factor does the 8284A clock generator divide the crystal oscillator’s output frequency?
(A) One (B) Two
(C) Three (D) Four
e. Convert the following single-precision floating point number into decimal.
01000001 00100000 00000000 00000000
(A) +10 (B) –10
(C) +100 (D) +0.0
f. The memory data bus width in Pentium is
(A) 16 bit (B) 32 bit
(C) 64 bit (D) None of these
g. When the 82C55 is reset, its I/O ports are all initializes as
(A) output port using mode 0 (B) Input port using mode 1
(C) output port using mode 1 (D) Input port using mode 0
h. Which microprocessor pins are used to request and acknowledge a DMA transfer?
(A) reset and ready (B) ready and wait
(C) HOLD and HLDA (D) None o these
i. Which of the following statement is false?
(A) RTOS performs tasks in predictable amount of time
(B) Windows 98 is RTOS
(C) Interrupts are used to develop RTOS
(D) Kernel is the one of component of any OS
j. The VESA local bus operates at
(A) 8 MHz (B) 33 MHz
(C) 16 MHz (D) None of these
Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.
Each question carries 16 marks.
Q.2 a. What do you mean by Macro? Discuss merits and demerits of Macro over procedures . (6)
b. Compare 80286 and 80386. (4)
c. Draw and discuss the programming model of the 8086 through the Pentium 4 microprocessor. (6)
Q.3 a. What is the use of the following pins on 8086?
(iii) NMI
b. Draw and discuss power failure detection circuit interrupt NMI. (6)
c. Interfaced 2k X 8 (i.e 2716) EPROM using multiple input NAND gate decoder for memory locations FF800H-FFFFFH. (4)
Q.4 a. Explain the functions of the following:
(i) Debugger (ii) Assembler
(iii) Linker (6)
b. Discuss DMA definition and operation in brief (4)
c. Write an assembly language program to find average of ‘n’ integers. (6)
Q.5 a. Explain following instructions in 8086 family with example and their effect on flag.
(i) CWD (ii) IDIV (iii) AAS (iv) SAR
(v) LOOP (vi) SAHF (vii) BOUND (viii) IMUL (12)
b. Explain following instructions in 8087 math co-processor: (4)
(i) FSCALE (ii) FXAM
(iii) F2XM1 (iv) FINIT
Q.6 a. Discuss Network adapter and LAN (8)
b. Explain keyboard interfacing to 8088 through 8279. (8)
Q.7 a. Discuss the operation of a real mode interrupt and protected mode interrupt. (6)
b. Discuss MMX technology in brief. (6)
c. Write an assembly language program to display a message on screen. Message is stored in the data segment of the program (Hint: use service 09 of DOS) (4)
Q.8 a. Write an assembly language program to find one’s complement and two’s complement of an 8-bit number (4)
b. Discuss the following terms: (Any six)
(i) Branch prediction logic in Pentium
(ii) Cache structure in Pentium
(iii) Threaded system
(iv) Super scalar architecture
(v) Real time operating system
(vi) D/A conversion
(vii) Virtual memory (12)
Q.9 Explain explanatory notes on (Any four)
(i) Comparison of RS232C and RS422A standards
(ii) 8259 programmable interrupt controller
(iii) A/D conversion
(iv) BIOS function cells
(v) PCI bus structure. (16)