Code: AC–20 / AT-21                                                Subject: ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE & Flowchart: Alternate Process: JUNE 2007

                                                                                                                   NEURAL NETWORKS    

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.


·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       State True or False                                                                                                   (2x10)


a.       Semantic notes is an example of weak slot & filter.


b.      Chemical synthesis is an example where a not partially commutation & monotonic production system can be applied.


c.       Hill climbing is similar to generate and test in which feedbacks are used.


             d.   Backtracking is not a solution to local minima problem.


             e.   If a heuristic value overestimates then A* guarantees an optional solution.


             f.    Herband universe of S states that “To show that a set of classes S is unsatifiable, It is necessary to consider only interpretation over a particular set”.


             g.   Resolution produces proof by contradiction.


             h.   Backward reasoning is not goal driven.


             i.    Non-monotonic reasoning deals with extension of axioms / rules.


             j.    Dangled Hierarchies Problem can be solved by Inferential distance.



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.


  Q.2     a.   Draw a state-space graph for the water jug problem and describe how the branch-and-bound technique could be used to find the shortest solution.                                                          (8)


b.      Show how means-ends analysis could be used to solve the problem of getting from one place to another.  Assume that the available operators are walk, drive, take the bus, take a cab, and fly.         (8)


Q.3       a.    Discuss about any three applications of AI.                                                      (10)


             b.   Write a PROLOG program to find the maximum and minimum number from a set of n numbers.                                                                (6)

  Q.4     a.   Assume the following facts:


(i)                  Steve only likes easy courses.

(ii)                Science courses are hard.

(iii)               All the courses in the basketweaving department are easy.

(iv)              BK301 is a basketweaving course.


Convert the above facts into clausal form and use resolution to answer the question, “What course would Steve like?”                                         (8)


             b.   Write Unification algorithms and Trace the operation of the unification algorithm on each of the following pairs of literals:


(i)                  f(Marcus) and f(Caesar)

(ii)                f(x) and f(g(y))                                                                                       (8)


  Q.5     a.   Differentiate between Frames and Semantics net.  Give examples.                     (10)


b.      Construct semantic net representations for the following:


(i)                  Pompeian (Marcus), Blacksmith (Marcus)

(ii)                Mary gave the green flowered vase to her favorite cousin.                       (6)


  Q.6     a.   What is the need for a Planning System?  What are its components?                    (8)   


             b.   Differentiate between Linear Planning and Non-Linear Planning.                          (8)


  Q.7     a.   Discuss about various components of an Expert System with a neat diagram.                      (10)


             b.   Explain about MYCIN Expert System.                                                               (6)                                  


  Q.8           Write short notes on the following:


(i)                  Semantic Analysis.

(ii)                Characteristics of a production system.

(iii)               Learning in Neural Networks.

(iv)              Bayesian Network.                                                                         (4 x 4 )


   Q.9    a.   Solve the following crypta arithmatic problem


                                  TWO                                                              SEND                             

                               + TWO                                                         + MORE

                                 FOUR                                                         MONEY               (5x2=10)


             b.   What is wrong with the following argument?

§         Men are widely distributed over the earth.

§         Socrates is a man.

§         Therefore, Socrates is widely distributed over the earth.

                   How should the facts represented by these sentences be represented in logic so that this problem does not arise?                                                                                   (6)