Code: AC-02 / AT-02                Subject: COMMUNICATION AND TECHNICAL WRITING Flowchart: Alternate Process: JUNE 2007

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1            In this question (parts a to j), some of the sentences have an error and some have none.  Each sentence has three divisions – (A), (B) and (C).  Find out which part of the sentence has an error and indicate that in the space provided for it in the Answer Book against the appropriate question number (i.e. A, B, C etc.).  If there is no error in the sentence, then write (D) against that Question in the Answer Book. (20)


a.       At the moment the house (A)/was burgled the family (B)/ attended a night party in the neighbourhood. (C)/ No error. (D)


b.      Supposing if (A)/ there is no bus, (B)/ how will you get there? (C)/ No error. (D)


c.       Though child marriage (A)/ has been banned, (B)/ the custom still prevailed among some groups in India. (C)/ No error. (D)                                                                                                               


d.      He will end up his work (A)/ in the city (B)/ by the end of the year. (C)/ No error. (D)


e.       She reluctantly said that (A)/ if nobody else was doing it (B)/ she will do it. (C)/ No error. (D)                                       


             f.    Since India has gained independence (A)/ 59 years ago, (B)/ much progress has been made in almost every field. (C)/ No error. (D)


             g.   They have been (A)/ very close friends (B)/ until they quarreled. (C)/ No error. (D)


             h.   He is not coming tomorrow (A)/ as he is having a pain in the chest (B)/ and has to see a doctor. (C)/ No error. (D)


             i.    I could not put up in a hotel (A)/ because the boarding and lodging charges (B)/ were exorbitant. (C)/ No error. (D)


j.        At the end of the year (A)/ every student who had done adequate work (B)/ was automatically promoted. (C)/ No error. (D)



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.


  Q.2           Enlist the various barriers to effective communication. How does psychological and physical noise act as a barrier to effective communication?                                                                   (16)





  Q.3           Differentiate between Listening and Hearing. What are the essentials for good listening?                  (16)



  Q.4     a.   What is the structure of Report Writing?             




                   What is the structure and layout of a Disciplinary Memo?                                    (8)


             b.   Explain the followings (any FOUR):

(i)                  “Principle of integrity” in communication

(ii)                Hoarseness

(iii)               Informal communication

(iv)              Negative memos

(v)                Curriculum vitae  (8)



  Q.5     a.   Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions.


                   “Success in life depends largely on good health. Keep your body fit, and by cleanliness, fresh air, regular habits and suitable recreations, make yourself strong to play the game, and to do it in every sense of the word. Avoid anything that will sap your strength. Smoking in your youth stunts the body and clouds the brain. Be temperate in all things, and beware of drinking. It is the deadly enemy of health and efficiency. Above all, remember that your character is a priceless possession. Therefore, keep it untarnished. Be truthful in all things, courteous and considerate to everybody, fair to your rivals, kind and helpful to all who are weak and suffering, and do not be afraid to have the courage to stand up for what is good, pure and noble.”


                   (i)        How can we maintain good health?

(ii)                What are the things we should eschew in particular to enjoy good health?

(iii)               What are the traits of character that we should cultivate?

(iv)              Explain: “Be temperate in all things.”

(v)                Give the opposites of: courteous, noble.                                                (10)


             b.   Give the meaning of the following words and also frame sentence of each.

(i)                  Accede, Exceed

(ii)                Eminent, Imminent

(iii)               Verbal, Verbose                                                                                    (6)



  Q.6           Write a business letter giving information about the damaged bags of supply of cement.                   (16)



  Q.7                In what ways group discussion differ from other discussion groups such as meeting, symposium, seminar etc? Also give the points that one should bear in mind for effective participation in a group discussion.                                                           (16)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (8)        (8)   


  Q.8     a.   In the following passage, some spaces have been left blank. You are required to fill up those spaces with appropriate word, options for which have been given there with.


                   It is many years since I ______1_______ (past/least/last) had an opportunity to see you, and you have now become _____2_____ (a successful/proud/famous) throughout a considerable part of the civilized world. Although circumstances _____3_____ (beyond/beneath/above) my control have made it impossible for me to _____4_____ (carry/continue/strengthen) the close association with you which I enjoyed in my _____5_____ (life/youth/existence), I have followed your progress and read your books with great _____6_____ (pleasure/pride/satisfaction). Now that you are leaving Port Middlebay, I _____7_____ (should/would/could) therefore like to _____8_____ (see/meet/thank) you, on my own behalf and on behalf of the inhabitants of this _____9_____ (country/village/town) for the pleasure that have given us, and to wish you even _____10_____ (greater/higher/deeper) success in the future.             (10)


             b.   Give the full forms of the followings: MAN, LAN, ISDN, HTML, XML, and WAN.                      (6)                                                                  



  Q.9           “India lives in villages but the living conditions there are anything but liveable.” Substantiate the statement with your views based on personal experience, knowledge and reading.




                   “Education should promote creativity and thinking rather than rote learning.” Suggest the effective measures to achieve the objectives stated in the above suggestion. Explain how the measures suggested by you would be effective.                                                                                                     (16)