Flowchart: Alternate Process: JUNE 2009Code: DC16                                                          Subject: VISUAL BASIC & APPLICATIONS

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or the best alternative in the following:                                  (210)


a.       How many windows are there in a Standard EXE project?


                   (A)  4                                                  (B)  6

(C)    5                                                 (D)  8


b.      One or more option Button Controls can be selected from multiple choices.


                    (A)  True                                            (B)  False


             c.   A complete repaint of a form or control can be enforced by which method of the following


                   (A)  Redraw                                        (B)  Repaint

                   (C)  Refresh                                        (D)  Redo


             d.   OLE is used to link or embed object, display and manipulate data from other Windows based applications.


                   (A)  True                                             (B)  False


             e.   Which event occurs when the form is closed by the user.


                   (A)  Close                                           (B)  Stop

(C)  Unload                                         (D) End


f.    A form is a window that contains application code and has other objects placed on it to create the user interface.


(A)     True                                             (B)  False


             g.   The ____________ statement checks in the module for usage of any undeclared variable and reports to the user


(A)  Dim                                              (B)  Option Explicit

(C)  Redim                                          (D)  Static






             h.   The _____________ Arrays are declared when the user may not know the exact size of the array at design time.


(A)    Fixed-Size                                    (B) Dynamic

                   (C)Multidimensional                             (D)One-dimensional


             i.    Which function returns a variant (Long) specifying the position of the first occurrence of one string within another?


(A)  StrComp ( )                                 (B)  StrConv ( )

(C)  Instr()                                           (D)  Format


j.        InputBox( ) and MsgBox( ) functions are used to add predefined dialog boxes.


(A)  True                                             (B) False






Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.



  Q.2     a.   Explain about the concept of IDE provided in Standard EXE project type in Visual Basic 6.0?                                                                   (8)


             b.   What is a collection? How can you build your own collection?                            (8)


  Q.3     a.   What are different types of common dialog boxes? Explain any one of it.             (8)


             b.   What are data ware or bound control? Explain.                                                  (8)


  Q.4     a.   What is the life and scope of a variable in VB?                                                    (8)


             b.   Write a program to find an area of a circle using function.                                    (8)


  Q.5     a.   What are different mathematical functions used in VB?                                        (8)


             b.   Explain nested loop with a suitable example.                                                       (8)


  Q.6     a.   Differentiate between the following:


                   (i)   Function and Procedure

                   (ii)  List box and Combo box                                                                             (8)


             b.   Differentiate between fixed and dynamic arrays clearly stating their advantages and disadvantages.                                                             (8)


  Q.7     a.   Explain the following:


                   (i)    Control array

                   (ii)   Custom control                                                                                           (4)          


             b.   Differentiate between the Image control and Picture Box control.                        (8)


             c.   What do the MsgBox() and InputBox() functions do?                                         (4)


  Q.8     a.   What is control menu and pop-up menu? Explain with example.                          (8)


             b.   Why VB is called event driven programming language?                                       (4)


             c.   Define ASP.                                                                                                      (4)


  Q.9     a.   Briefly discuss any four file system controls.                                                        (8)


             b.   Briefly explain any four formatting tags in HTML.                                                (4)


             c.   Write short note on OLE.                                                                                   (4)