Flowchart: Alternate Process: JUNE 2008

Code: AT16                                                                                            Subject: E-COMMERCE

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

1        Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

2        Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

3        Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or best alternative in the following:                                         (2x10)


             a.  PPP stands for

                  (A) Portable Purchase Protocol           (B) People Purchase Protocol

                  (C) Point to Purchase Protocol            (D) Point to Point Protocol


             b.  HLEN stands for

                  (A) Header length                               (B) Hidden lens

                  (C) High length                                   (D) None of the above


             c.  The differences between B2B and B2C exchanges include

                  I. size of customer set
II. transaction volume
III. form of payment
IV. level of customization on products/services

(A) I and II                                         (B) I, II, and III
(C) II and III                                      (D) All of the above

             d.  Working of the RR packets

                  (A)  means device is ready to  receive more packets

                  (B)  means device is not ready to accept the packets

                  (C) means there was an error in the packets.

                  (D) none of the above


             e.  Which of the following B2C companies is the best example of achieving its financial success through controlling its cost?

                  (A) Yahoo                                          (B) Amazon
(C) E-Bay                                          (D) None of the above

             f.   Which of the following is the least attractive product to sell online?
(A) downloadable music                    

                  (B) software
(C) a personal digital assistant (PDA) 

                  (D) electronic stock trading

             g.  Which is more significant for web based advertisers;
(A) Impressions                                  (B) Page Views
(C) Click Thoughs                              (D) Hits

             h. In the e-mail address jgreen03@gsm.uci.edu what is the top-level domain
(A) gsm                                              (B) uci
(C) edu                                               (D) none of the above

             i.   Isolated sets of business processes, each with its own unique application programs, hardware, and data that communicated with each other by exchanging paper documents are called what?

                  (A) Stove Pipes                                  (B) Functional Groups
(C) Isolated Applications                    (D) Islands of Automation

             j.   The primary focus of most B2C applications is generating _________.
(A) Revenue                                       (B) Product
(C) Service                                         (D) Web Site


Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.



   Q.2     a.   Define the term e-commerce? What are the significant issues in implementing electronic commerce in an organization?                                                                                                     (8)


              b.   What do you mean by Video on Demand? Briefly discuss it with the help of Block diagram of a generic Video on Demand System.                                                                                (8)


   Q.3     a.   What are different layers of TCP/IP suite? Briefly explain all the layers along with their functions.     (8)


              b.   What are different alternative options for internet connection? Briefly discuss any three of them.      (8)


   Q.4     a.   What is a Firewall? How does it protect the network? Briefly explain its working with the help of a diagram.                                                                                                            (7)


              b.   What do you mean by cryptography? Briefly explain the following:-                    (9)

                    (i) Data Encryption Standard (DES)

                    (ii) RSA and public key cryptography.


   Q.5     a.   Discuss briefly the entities which may participate in a B2B e-commerce transaction.            (4)


              b.   With the help of a block diagram, explain in detail the architecture of the electronic commerce.        (6)


              c.   What are different types of web based security schemes? Discuss them in detail. (6)


   Q.6     a.   What are desirable characteristics of an electronic market place? Briefly explain them.        (8)


              b.   What are different types of Smart Cards? How smart cards can be used for electronic payment?    (8)

   Q.7     a.   What is an EDI? Briefly discuss the layered architecture of an EDI. Also discuss its working.          (8)


              b.   What are different types of EDI Standards? Explain EDIFACT in detail.            (8)


   Q.8     a.   Differentiate between the following:                                                                    (8)

                    (i) Traditional Commerce Vs. Electronic Commerce

                    (ii) SMTP Vs. POP


              b.   Describe mercantile process models.                                                                 (8)


   Q.9     a.   What is Supply Chain Management (SCM)? Explain push based SCM Vs. pull based SCM.         (10)


              b.   What do you mean by Electronic Brokerage? Explain with an example.              (6)