NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.
· Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.
· Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.
· Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.
Q.1 Choose the correct or best alternative in the following: (2x10)
a. In TV transmission, picture signal is amplitude modulated and sound signal is frequency modulated. This is done because
(A) It is not possible to frequency modulate the picture signal.
(B) Bandwidth requirement is minimised.
(C) Sound signal is more susceptible to noise than picture signal.
(D) Synchronization of picture frames becomes easier.
(A) 138 bits
(B) bits/sec
(C) 138 k bits/sec (D) 10 bits/sec
(B) 50 dB
62 dB
(A) 1, 3, 4 (B) All
(C) 1, 2, 3 (D) 2, 3, 4
(A) 0.50 (B) 0.25
(C) 0.125 (D) 0.64
(A) sampling at less than Nyquist rate
(B) Flat top sampling
(C) finite BW of transmission channel
(D) short duration of samples.
h. A base band signal has a spectral range that extends from 20 Hz to 82 KHz. Find the acceptable range of the sampling frequency
i. A diode envelope detector has a load of 200
and a forward resistance of 150
. A 50% modulated wave gives an
o/p of 1V rms. What is the DC output
(A) 2.83V (B) 8.89V
j. Pulse width modulation may be generated
(A) by differentiating PPM (B) with a monostable multi-vibrator
(C) by integrating the signal (D) with free running multi-vibrator
Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.
Each question carries 16 marks.
Q 2. a. Define noise figure and derive an expression for noise figure? (8)
b. The noise present at the input to a two-port network is .
The noise figure (F) is 0.5dB and receiver gain
. Calculate
(i) The available noise power contributed by the two port network.
(ii) The noise power available at the output. (8)
Q 3. a. Explain the generation method of AM using square law modulator. Draw the spectrum at each stage? (8)
b. Define amplitude modulation? Derive an expression for the
amplitude modulated wave when the carrier is
the modulating signal
Draw the amplitude modulated waves for
(i) m = 0% (ii) m = 100% and (iii) m = 200%. (8)
Q 4. a. Show that the wide band FM has infinite number of side bands? (10)
b. A carrier is frequency modulated by a sinusoidal modulating signal of frequency 2 KHz, resulting in a frequency deviation of 5 KHz. What is the bandwidth occupied by the modulated waveform? If the amplitude of the modulating sinusoid is increased by a factor of 3 and its frequency lowered to 1 KHz, then what is the new bandwidth? (6)
Q5. a. With the aid of neat phasor diagrams and circuit diagram, show that the Foster Seeley discriminator has better linearity than balanced slope detector? (10)
b. The power spectral density of a modulated signal m(t) is given by where
. If pre emphasis circuit is to
be used, where
then find
the pre-emphasis is not to increase the
Q6. a. Define signal to noise ratio for a PCM system and derive an expression for signal to quantization noise ratio of PCM system? Explain how dynamic range can be improved in the PCM system? (8)
b. The signal is instantaneously
sampled. The interval between samples is
Find the Max allowable value for .
If the sampling signal is , and the sampled signal
of train of impulses, each with a different strength
To reconstruct the signal is passed through a rectangular
low-pass filter. Find the minimum filter B.W. to reconstruct the signal
with out
Q7. a. Describe Adaptive Delta Modulation system with neat block diagram and waveform and explain how slope overload error can be minimized in ADM? (8)
b. What is matched filter and derive impulse response of a matched filter when the input noise is white? (8)
Q8. a. Define average information and information rate. (4)
b. Explain Shanon-Fano algorithm with an example. (6)
c. Consider five messages given by the probabilities
(i) Calculate entropy.
(ii) Use Shanon-Fano algorithm to develop an efficient code and for that code, calculate average no. of bits/ message. (6)
Q9. a. Explain the
generation of a block code from an uncoded word .
b. Derive the Radar range equation to determine the maximum range of a radar set. (5)
c. Calculate the max range of a deep-space radar operating at 2.5
GHz and using a peak pulse power of 25 MW. The antenna diameter is 64m,
the target cross section and , because a master amplifier
is used, the receiver noise figure is only 1.1 dB. Further more, because
of the low PRF to allow pulses to return from long distances, the receiver
bandwidth is only