Flowchart: Alternate Process: DECEMBER 2007
Code: DE14                                        Subject: COMPUTER SOFTWARE FUNDAMENTALS

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or best alternative in the following:                                         (2x10)


a.       ____________________ is a pictorial representation of an Algorithm.


                   (A)  Flowchart                                     (B)  Program

(C)    Decision table                              (D)  Pseudocode


b.      Pseudocode is also called as ____________________.


(A)     Pseudo design langauge               (B)  Program design logic

(C)  Program design language              (D)  Pseudo design logic


             c.   “Symbolic program” is a program written in 


(A)    Machine language                         (B)  Assembly language

(C)  High Level language                      (D)  Graphical language


             d.   The procedures in an object oriented program are called


(A)    Methods                                     (B)  Objects

(C)  Mechanisms                                (D)  protocols       


             e.   All of the following are divisions of a COBOL program except


(A)     Data                                            (B)  Identification

(C)  Procedure                                    (D)  Input-output


             f.    Which of the following C variable names is incorrect?


(A)     DE5                                             (B)  $DE

(C)  _DE                                             (D)  DE4


             g.   A Recursive function


(A)     Calls many function                      (B)  Calls only one function

(C)  Calls itself many times                   (D)  Calls itself only once   


             h.   CPU bound jobs have


(A)    No I/O activity                            

(B)  Have only CPU activity

(C) Have less CPU activity and more I/O activity  

(D) Have less I/O activity and more CPU activity

             i.    Threads are


(A)   Light weight processes

(B)   Reduce context switch overhead

(C)   Facilitate resource sharing

(D)  All of the above


             j.    Command interpretation is done by


(A)  Kernel                                          (B)  Shell

(C)  Microkernel                                 (D)  Supervisor




Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.




  Q.2     a.   Draw the basic format of a decision table and discuss the role of each part.         (8)


             b.   Draw a decision table to pick the largest number and print, out of three numbers supplied by the user.                                                                    (8)


  Q.3     a.   Write a FORTRAN program to compute and print sum of 10 numbers.              (8)


             b.   Write a C-program to find a given element in an array of 10 elements.                 (8)          


  Q.4     a.   Explain how CPU is switched from one job to other in a Multiprogramming system?                      (8)


             b.   Differentiate between tightly coupled and loosely coupled multiprocessor systems.              (8)


  Q.5     a.   What are batch processing systems? How are jobs executed in a batch processing system?                                                                       (6)


             b.   What is memory fragmentation? What is internal and external fragmentation?                       (6)


             c.   What is the difference between multiprogramming and multiprocessing?               (4)


  Q.6     a.   Differentiate between the following

                   (i)   relative and absolute addresses in spreadsheets

                   (ii)  Thesaurus and Spell check                                                                           (6)


             b.   What are the facilities offered by a personal assistance package?                         (6)


             c.   Explain the various types of text justifications that are available in word processing packages.                                                                     (4)


  Q.7     a.   Describe the structure of any two of the following:

                   DOS, UNIX, WINDOWS                                                                              (10)   


             b.   What are deadlocks? Explain with the help of examples.                                     (6)

  Q.8     a.   Differentiate between the following:-


                   (i)    Top-down and bottom-up design approach.

                   (ii)   Modular and structured programming techniques.                                      (10)


             b.   Write steps to do the following in MS-WORD:


(i)                  Insert a picture from a file named “abc.jpg” in the current directory.

(ii)                Insert a date in footer.

(iii)               Leave a space of 16-pt. after every paragraph in the document.                  (6)


  Q.9           Write short notes on the following:

                   (i)   Cell in a spreadsheet

                   (ii)  Graphics package

                   (iii) Programming Techniques

                   (iv) Linker                                                                                                       (16)