NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.
· Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.
· Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.
· Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.
Q.1 Choose the correct or best alternative in the following: (2x10)
a. Air for wireless communication and wire for landline communication are called
(A) channels. (B) transmitters.
(C) information sources (D) receivers.
(A) solar noise (B) man-made noise
(C) shot noise (D) cosmic noise
(A) 1.8 dB (B) 16 dB
(C) –16 dB (D) 56 dB
(A) 0.5 (B) 0.8
(C) 0.6 (D) 0.7
(C) (D)
(A) (B)
(A) m > 1 (B) m < 1
(C) m = 1 (D) m = 0
h. Indicate the digital system of modulation
i. A sinusoid of
amplitude A, frequency f has a maximum slope = while passing through zero. To
avoid slope-overload in linear delta modulation with step-size S, it must
satisfy the condition
j. The triangular noise distribution for FM, called the noise triangle, and the corresponding AM distribution are represented as
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.
Each question carries 16 marks.
Q 2. a. Sketch an AM wave for m < 1 and draw
its frequency spectrum. Show that total power , where
is carrier power and m is
modulation index. (8)
b. Consider an amplifier
operating at over the
frequency range of 455 to 460 KHz, having a 200 K
input resistor. Find the rms noise
voltage at the input of the amplifier. (4)
c. A
receiver connected to an antenna of 50 has an equivalent noise resistance
of 30
Calculate the noise figure (dB) and the equivalent noise temperature of the
receiver operating at
. (4)
Q 3. a. List the advantages of FM over AM and of AM over FM for communication. (8)
b. For
the FM wave: V,
what are the values of amplitude, carrier and modulating signal frequencies in
Hz? Find the modulation index, maximum frequency deviation, and the power
dissipated in a 10
resistor. (8)
Q 4. a. What are pre-emphasis and de-emphasis operations? Why are they used? Explain the function of a typical pre-emphasis circuit. Why de-emphasis must also be used? (8)
b. Suppose
a carrier of angular frequency is amplitude modulated by a
sinusoid of angular frequency
to give a resultant waveform:
. If one of the
sidebands is removed to give waveform
, show that the amplitude of
is given by:
. (8)
Q5. a. Explain the difference between Natural Sampling and Flat-top Sampling, with illustrative waveforms. (8)
b. Explain the principle of Adaptive Delta Modulation. How does it differ from Linear Delta Modulation? (8)
Q6. Write short notes on:
(i) PCM (6)
(ii) PWM (5)
(iii) Moving target indicator (5)
Q7. Explain the following terms with respect to information theory
(i) Block-codes
(ii) Systematic codes
(iii) Hamming distance
(iv) Entropy (4 x 4)
Q8. a. With the help of a block-diagram, explain briefly the function of a pulsed radar. (8)
b. Consider a radar operating
at 1.25 GHz using peak pulse power of 3MW to detect targets of radar
cross-section at a range of 185.2 km. Determine the smallest diameter D of the
reflector antenna, if the minimum acceptable power by receiver is
and effective
antenna area = 0.5
. (8)
Q9. a. Explain the terms referred to in television:
(i) Compatibility in colour TV
(ii) Blanking pulse
(iii) Scanning
(iv) Synchronisation pulse (8)
b. An
analog signal is band limited to B Hz, sampled at the Nyquist rate and the
samples are quantised into 4 levels to
(messages) assumed independent and occurring
with probabilities
. Find the information rate R of
the source. If the four levels have equal probability of occurrence, will
there be an improvement on R? (8)