Code: T-16                                                                                              Subject: E-COMMERCE

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks. Questions in ITALICS are choice questions.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or best alternative in the following:                                         (2x10)


a.       Which protocol can provide secure communication between web client and web server. 


                   (A)  HTTP                                          (B)   S-HTTP

(C)    BMTP                                         (D)   FTP


b.      Circuit switch network provides


(A)    dedicated channel between the two ends.       

(B)    Sharable channel between the two ends.

(C)    a digital channel between two ends.

(D)    An analog channel between to ends.


             c.   TCP/IP network is


(A) a circuit switch network.                (B)  a packet switch network.

(C)  an analog network                        (D) a purely digital network.


             d.   FTP is


(A) application layer protocol.             

(B)  transport  layer protocol.

(C) session layer protocol.

(D)  network layer protocol.


             e.   POP3 protocol is


(A)     For sending mail.                          (B)  for receiving mail.

(C)  for sending and receiving mail.       (D)  for sending or receiving mail.


 f.   PKI infrastructure uses


       (A)  Asymmetric encryption                  

       (B)  symmetric encryption.

(C) MDS encryptions.                                     

(D)  SHAI encryptions.


 g.   Why payment gateway is required in electronic transaction


                   (A)  for validating user name and password.

(B) For validating credit card no.

(C) For validating credit card no. and pin no.

(D) Only for validating balance amount.


  h.  work flow management is used for


      (A) presenting business logic                 (B) presenting application logic

(C)    presenting enterprise application     (D)  all of the above                      


  i.  Telnet is a protocol used for 


       (A) Automatic teller services on the net.

(B)     Viewing television on the net.

(C)     Remote login.

                   (D) Video conferencing


 j.   64 bit blocks, with 56 bit secret keys are used in


(A) DES algorithm.

(B) AES algorithm.

(C) Public key cryptography.

(D) RSA algorithm.



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.


  Q.2     a.   Explain Internet protocol. Discuss about the roles of the following protocols in business application.           


                   (i) HTTP   (ii) FTP   (iii) SMTP                                                                      (2+6)          


             b.   What transport routes are available for developing E-commerce applications? Discuss them.                                                                      (8)


Q.3    a.   What is XML? What are the differences between XML and HTML. What are

the advantages of XML technologies for developing enterprise application.(8)


b.   Describe in detail how Wi-Fi equipped computers can be connected to other

      devices using Wi-Fi technology.                                                                        (8)


Q.4      a.   What is firewall? How many different types of firewall are available for  

                  screening business network. Where firewall is put in business network.  

                  Discuss.                                                                                                            (8)


b.       Explain how authentication is carried out through smart card.                              (5)


c.    Briefly explain Kerberos authentication protocol.                                                (3)                      

Q.5      a.  What is financial EDI? Explain the different types of financial EDI.              (8)                                             

b.   What is digital signature? Discuss the role of digital signature in EDI security. (8)


Q.6      a.   What are the desirable characteristics of electronic market place? Briefly     

                  explain each one of them.                                                                                   (8)


            b.   Write short notes on

                   (i) Consumer to Business transaction.

                   (ii) Business to Business transaction.                                                                 (8) 


Q.7      a.   Explain the following terms:

(i)           URL

(ii)         SSL

(iii)        CGI gateway services

(iv)       HTTP                                                                                                       (8)                  


             b. Differentiate between secret-key cryptography and public-key cryptography.        (8)


Q.8           Write short note on

(i)                  Electronic cash.

(ii)                Credit card based electronic payment.

(iii)               Factors affecting designing EPS

(iv)              Risk factor of electronic payment.                                    (16)


  Q.9    a.  What is workflow? What are the technologies available for workflow

                                      development. Design a workflow for supply chain model.                 (8)


b.  Explain with the help of a diagram the types of electronic brokerages in

     internal markets.                                                                                                  (8)