Code: DC-07                                                                                Subject: BUSINESS SYSTEMS

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                    Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or best alternative in the following:                                         (2x10)


a.       What is semantic error?


                   (A)  a kind of syntax error.                  

                   (B)  logical error.

(C)    Physical error.                            

(D)   Kind of exception.


b.      Foxbase is a


(A)    RDBMS                                      (B)  DBMS

(C)  Indexed file system                       (D)  FAT file system


             c.   The floating point number has two parts.


(A)    Mantisa, exponent                        (B)  mentiza, base

(C)  exponent, base                             (D)  base, radix


             d.   ASCII is a


(A)    7                                                 bit – coding system.            (B)  8 bit – coding system.

(C)  9 bit – coding system.                  (D)  107 bit – coding system.        


             e.   The function to remove leading and trailing spaces from character expressions is


(A) TRIM()                                        (B)  LTRIM()

(C)  RTRIM()                                     (D)  ALLTRIM()  


             f.    The purpose of EXIT command is to


(A)    get out of a condition loop           

(B)    get out of Foxpro

(C)    Transfer the control to a different procedure   

(D)    None of the above





             g.   Foxpro is a/an


(A)     interpreter language.                     (B)  compiler language.

(C)  assembler language.                      (D)  all of the above.


             h.   Which of the following is an invalid command?


(A) SET TALK OFF                          (B)  SET BELL ON

                   (C)  SET DATE TO BRITISH            (D)  SET ALTE ON


             i.    To unconditionally exit from a SCAN-ENDSCAN loop, one can use


(A)   LOOP                                          (B) .NOT. EOF()

(C) EXIT                                            (D) SKIP


             j.    A field that is uniquely identifies a records in the table is known as


(A)  Primary key                                  (B)  Special Key

(C)  Unique key                                   (D)  None of the above



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.


  Q.2     a.   What are the major causes of difficulties in adopting systems approach?              (8)


             b.   Explain the prerequisites of an effective MIS.                                                      (8)


  Q.3     a.   Define the following with respect to a file

                   (i) Gap    (ii) Hit   (iii) Label   (iv) Layout                                                            (8)          


             b.   Discuss about the method of access and the situations they are best suited for, the following file organizations.

(i)                  Random

(ii)                Index sequential.                                                                       (8)


  Q.4     a.   Explain the characteristics necessary for a programming languages to be considered a high-level language.                                                              (8)


             b.   Draw a program flowchart to compute and print the sum of squares of the following 10 numbers:

                             3,5,10,17,26,37,50,65,82,101                                                               (8)


  Q.5           Explain the difference between

(i)                  Turn around time and throughput time.

(ii)                Centralized data processing and distributed data processing.

(iii)               Conditional branch and unconditional branch in a flow chart.

(iv)              Batch processing and multi-programming.                         (4x4=16)          




  Q.6     a.   Explain the  term “Auditing through the Computer”.                                             (8)


             b.   What is the role of System Documentation in system study?                                (8)


  Q.7     a.   What do you mean by “RQBE” window? Explain with the help of an example how to create a RQBE join condition window.                               (8)


             b.   What are the differences between “select” and “select all” command in foxpro. Write a foxpro program for reading all records from a dbf file.        (8) 


  Q.8     a.   Discuss the purpose of the command “SET TALK”. Write skeleton code in foxpro for checking if TALK is OFF then make it ON.                        (8)


             b.   A .dbf file contain records of investment with following fields.

1.      Name

2.      No. of years

3.      Amount


    Write a foxpro program to print simple interest for 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14

     years at the rate of 5% per annum for each investment.                                        (8)


    Q.9   a.  Explain the difficulties in taking up the audit of accounts which are stored

                  on a computer. What should be the precautions to safeguard against the

                  difficulties.                                                                                                           (8)


             b.  Write short notes on

(i)                  Systems Manual.

(ii)                Program documentation.                                                                         (8)