Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or best alternative in the following:                                         (2x10)


a.       User involvement in software development is important for which of the following reasons?   


                   (A)  Having users as part of the project team is cheaper rather than    

                          professional software developers.

(B)    Users understand why the requirements cannot be met.

(C)    Users can influence the way a project proceeds by identifying the most acceptable course of action from various alternatives.

(D)    Users can explain the reason why there is a delay in processing.


b.      Which of the following is not an advantage of prototyping?


(A)    Prototyping is easy to mange.

(B)    Prototyping may be used to reduce misunderstanding about requirements.

(C)    Prototyping requires no anlysis or design.

(D)    Prototyping increases creativity


             c.   Which of the following is not a type of data integrity that must be designed into a database?


(A)     Referential integrity.                    

(B)     Cascading integrity.

(C)     Domain integrity.                        

(D)     Key integrity.


             d.   Which of the following are stakeholders in the system to be built?


(A)    System analysts                           (B)  System designers

(C)  System users                               (D)  all of the above          








             e.   ADE are integrated software development tools that


(A)     allow development of new application software with maximum speed and quality.

(B)     support cross life cycle activities.

(C)     support drawing and anylsis of system models

(D)    allow translation of system models into application programs.


             f.    Which of the following is not a synonym for data flow diagram (DFD)


(A)     Bubble chart                                (B) entity relationship diagram

(C)  transformation graph                     (D  process model.


             g.   Which amongst the following feasibility test is people oriented?


(A)     Technical feasibility.                     

(B)     Schedule feasibility.

(C)     Economic feasibility.                    

(D)    Operational feasibility.


             h.   Some of the layers of information system application are listed below. Which of the following is the correct sequence of layers


(A)    Data layer, application logic  layer, presentation logic layer, presentation layer.

(B)    Presentation layer, presentation logic layer, application logic layer, data layer.

(C)    Application logic layer, data layer, presentation layer, presentation logic layer.

(D)    Data layer, presentation layer, presentation logic layer, application logic layer.


             i.    System development stage consists of ______phases


(A)   six                                                (B)  five

(C) eight                                              (D)  seven


             j.    Which of the following tests is essential before a product can be placed into operation


(A)    unit testing                                    (B)  system testing

(C)  both (A) and (B)                          (D)  neither of (A) and (B)



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.


  Q.2           The ‘Health’ magazine keeps track of each recipe it tests and publishes. Each recipe is kept in a file folder which is filled alphabetically by the recipe name. Each entry of the recipe file folder lists the ingredients, instructions and author of every recipe, which is published. In  addition, each entry has information on the date of testing, the tester, all dates of publication and the title of the article where the recipe appeared (a recipe may be published several times)


                   Give an entity relationship diagram for the information stored in the health recipe file. Show clearly the keys for all entities and relationships, also show the cardinalities for all relationships.   (16)


  Q.3     a.   Differentiate between

(i)                  Forward and Reverse engineering.

(ii)                Logical and physical system models.

(iii)               Dataflow diagram and flowchart.                                               (6)


             b.   Explain the RAD method. What are the advantages of using this method?            (5)


             c.   What is payback analysis? Explain briefly how it works.                                      (5)


  Q.4     a.   Explain the role of decision analysis phase during systems analysis. List out the tasks to be conducted during this phase.                                           (6)


             b.   What is timeboxing? How is it related to requirements prioritisations?                  (4)


             c.   List out and explain in brief, eight basic principles that underlie all systems development methodologies.                                                                  (6)


  Q.5     a.   What is the capability maturity model (CMM)? Describe all the levels of CMM and explain the relevance of CMM.                                                (7)


             b.   What is resource levelling and when must it be applied. Name and explain any one technique for resource levelling.                                              (5)


             c.   Compare and contrast Gantt and PERT charts.                                                   (4)


  Q.6     a.   What are the goals during usability analysis of an interface?                                 (3)


             b.   Define the following:-

(i)                  Request for proposal.

(ii)                Referential Integrity.

(iii)               Use case modelling.

(iv)              Repositories.                                                                             (8)


             c.   What is three-tiered client/server computing? How is it advantageous as compared to the two-tiered client/server.                                        (5)









  Q.7     a.   What is systems acceptance test? When do we need to perform this test? Explain  the various levels of acceptance testing.                               (8)   


             b.   Explain the various ways in which data may be distributed across a network.                      (5)


             c.   What are the advantages of using prototyping as a system design approach?                       (3)


  Q.8     a.   What is a file? Enumerate the various types of files in a database systems.            (5)


             b  Explain the JRP technique to obtain group consensus  on problems, objectives. List down the various participants of JRP and explain their roles.                                                                         (8)


             c.   What is fact-finding? What are the common fact-finding techniques?                    (3)


  Q.9     a.   Following is a class diagram that represents employees in an organization. Propose two improvements to the diagram.                                              (5)



Emp# : Number

Manager : Employee

Manager# : Number

Assign : Project


b.   Draw a use case diagram for courses taught. Assume that courses are  

      taught by instructors, while registrars can enroll or remove students from a  

      course. Students take a course provided they are enrolled in it.                           (7)


c.  What is a dataflow? Explain diverging and converging dataflow with the  

     help of an example.                                                                                             (4)