Code: A-16/C-17/T-20                                                Subject: INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

·      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

·      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

·      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.


Q.1       Choose the correct or best alternative in the following:                                         (2x10)


a.       __________ developed four principles of management viz. Research, Standardization, Control and Co-operation


                   (A)  Charles Babbage                          (B)  Henry L Gantt

(C)    Fredric Taylor                             (D)  Henry Fayol


b.      Right to command and power to act is


(A)    Responsibility                               (B) Authority

(C)  Accountability                              (D) Responsibility and Accountability


             c.   More levels in the organization structure


(A)    Helps to improve Communication

(B)    Acts as Barrier to Communication

(C)  Ensures better understanding of Communication         

(D)  Helps faster feed back


             d.   Hawthorne experiments were conducted by


(A)   Dr. Elton Mayo                            (B)  F.B. Gilbreth

(C) Douglas Mc Gregor                      (D) Henry Fayol    


             e.   __________ discover an applicant’s cleverness to work with hands and fingers when the job requires the skilful use of one’s hands and body


(A)     Interest Tests                               (B)  Performance Tests

(C)  Aptitude Tests                              (D)  Dexterity Tests


             f.    Provisions regarding hours of work is contained in:-

(A)     Industrial Employment Act 1946  

(B)     Workmen’s compensation Act 1923 

(C)  Factories Act 1948                     

(D) Trade Union Act 1926


             g.   Gantt charts are used for


(A)     Process Control                           (B)  Planning Control

(C)  Production Control                       (D)  Product Control


             h.   A physical replica of a system usually based on a different scale than the original is called


(A)    Analog Model                              (B) Mathematical Model

(C) Iconic Model                                 (D) Deterministic Model


             i.    How much debt the firm has used to finance its investments is shown by


(A)   Activity Ratios                              (B) Leverage Ratios

(C) Profitability Ratios                         (D) Liquidity Ratios


             j.    The process of discovering and translating consumer’s wants into products and services is called


(A)    Product Planning                         (B)  Promotion Mixing

(C)  Product Mixing                             (D)  Marketing



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.


  Q.2     a.   Describe the contribution of Scientific Management to the development of management thought.                                                                 (8)


             b.   What is Product Packing.  Discuss the considerations involved in packing and the various methods now used in industry.                                           (8)


  Q.3     a.   The process of organization may be described as the managerial function of organising.  Describe the important steps involved in the process of organization.                                                       (8)                  


             b.   When an organization has to handle a variety of projects it uses matrix organisation.  Explain the concept of Matrix organisation, its advantages and disadvantages.                                                       (8)       


  Q.4     a.   Change is an important characteristic of most organisations.  What are the causes of organisational change and describe the Kurt Lewin’s model for bringing change in people in the organisation.        (8)


             b.   Communication can be formal or informal.  Describe the characteristics of both.  What are the barriers to communication?                                   (8)






  Q.5     a.   Define the concept of Personnel Management.  What are the characteristics of a good personnel policy?                                                                (8)


             b.   Excessive labour turnover is undesirable and expensive. What are the costs and causes of labour turnover?                                                            (8)


  Q.6     a.   Discuss the concept of workers participation in Management.  Describe various types/methods of workers participation in management.                (8)                                                                        


             b.   An important provision in the factories Act of 1948 is in respect of health of workers.  Write in brief about the following aspects of the said provisions on health:-

(i)                  Cleanliness

(ii)                Artificial Humidification

(iii)               Lighting

(iv)              Latrines & Urinals.                                                                     (8)


  Q.7     a.   Describe the concept of Scheduling.  What are the factors which affect Scheduling?            (8)   


             b.   Discuss the details of costs with the help of a diagram which have implications in deciding EOQ.  Calculate the EOQ from the following:-

                   Annual usage                                       -  120 units

                   Procurement cost                                 -  30 per order                                           

                   Cost per piece                                     -  Rs. 200

Cost of carrying inventory 10% (including expenditure on obsolescence, taxes, insurance, deterioration etc.)                                                                                                                         (8)          


  Q.8     a.   What is Decision Making?  Explain briefly the concepts of Decision Making under certainty and under uncertainty.                                          (8)


             b.   A publisher has a contract with an author to publish a textbook.  The (simplified) activities associated with the production of the textbook are given subsequently.  Develop the associated network for the project.                                                           (8)







Duration (weeks)


Manuscript proof reading by editor




Sample pages prepared by typesetter




Book cover design




Preparation of artwork for book figures




Author’s approval of edited manuscript and sample pages




Book typesetting




Author checks typeset pages




Author checks artwork




Production of printing plates




Book production and binding




  Q.9     a.   Explain the concept of Working Capital.  Describe the factors which influence the working capital needs of a firm.                                                    (8)


             b.   What costs constitute the factory cost and total cost.  From the following data, find out the factory cost and the selling price of one electric bulb produced by a factory.                                                  (8)


                                      Daily production               -                      1500 bulbs

                                      Direct material cost           -                      Rs.2500                             

                                      Direct labour cost             -                      Rs.2000                             

                                      Factory overheads            -                      Rs.2250                             

                                      Profit charged                   -                      10% of selling price

                                      Selling overhead               -                      30% of factory cost